Hi! Also question inside :)

Funny this, i had a post about me and lasted like 2k views about 10 pages or more with flames going all over, and your whining about a little banter

As sober said, great mod!!!

EDIT: 3.8k views! IM Famous!!! anuway enough about my awsomness, back to subject :)
why bash the mod who tries top keep it peacefull in here, that the 70 bracket is out of hand is not only the mod's fault.

anyway we should stay on topic.
Samsom said:
why bash the mod who tries top keep it peacefull in here, that the 70 bracket is out of hand is not only the mod's fault.

anyway we should stay on topic.

Not bashing him mate, just an opinion, light banter compaired to the topic of my rank1 proness :) and that was locked down after 10 pages of flame.

but yes, 70 community is kinda broken, the problem being is 1 stupid comment on a topic and it gets taking away from the topic itself, hard to keep thigs going, in my opinopn its getting better, just a few people who need banning :)
back to topic?

you cant one shot people as a hunter? you must be doing something wrong, as i can easily 1 shot any medium/bad player. as a hunter you have to choose what gear you want, for me i wanted a glass cannon, so i went raid gear. imo hunters when played/geared right are the best 1 shot class there is, go mm, scatter shot, aimed shot then chimera, add in a silencing shot aswell. if this didnt kill your target pop rapid firing and readiness and then chimera again, should kill mostly everything if done right
yes if you're going that way a hunter can 1 or 2 shot ppl. but you have no survival at all. if you're going that way a full pve arc mage or ele sham can do the same trick. let's not forget about the pve rogues/ferals.
Soberlolz said:
You are just now realizing the 70 bracket is getting out of hand?

Wow you are such a great mod.

I'm not part of the 70 community. I don't read every post and reply on twinkinfo (seriously, sometimes I actually do other than browse TI, believe it or not). I stop by once in a while to check up on it, since we currently don't have any moderators that have a specific interest in 70 twinking (again, not to blame). And since I'm not part of the 70 community, how am I to blame for it getting out of hand? I'm not starting it, you are. If anything, try to spread an improvement in attitude by being the first person to be politer. It can't be right that the only way for the forum to run, is by banning and restraining everyone.

Also: I've not received any reports (Bottom left corner) so if there's been anything you've been unhappy with, it's entirely your fault that you did not report it. That thread that got locked after 10 pages was locked due to it being reported.

Anything else? If so, please contact me in PM and we'll continue the discussion from there, but don't call me out as a moderator just because you're unhappy with the current state of 70 twinking, which I as stated previously, do not have any influence on.

Best regards,
mages are the most op class, i played a arena with a mage on my hpally we had gone 15-2 so far, we went against a mirror match and i got basicly 2 shot by a mage with 19k mana...the avg mage has 13-14k mana if no pve gear. so a mage with proper gear and gemming/enchants is OP becuase ive survivied thru 2-3 people better than that 1 mage.
Edit by lindenkron: Unnecessary trash talk.


: ontopic

dont listen to this guy, dont go feral if you wanna be op.

real OP is a DK, blood you can dance with a 25k life in the FR, or just 1 shot people in frost spec like my arena partner ~

good luck, and dont go mages, they suck. not cuz of they cant one shot, they can for sure. just cuz of mages suck.

I've given too many responses regarding DK's on twink info.

I suspect taylorswift has too -.-'

But i'll nail my teeth onto a bench (nomnomn) and i'll conclude my 5 - 8 months of 70 twinking DK that frost DK's are not as op as rogues/mages.

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