Hey, what's your favorite race?

Re: Hey whats your favorite racee

Sorry to burst your nipple, but I highly doubt blizz will ever allow that (the light burns forsaken).

There can't be light without darkness........muahahahaha

ok evil laugh over....yea i doubt blizz would do this but it sound awesome to see an undead pally casting "Flash Of Darkness" or others negative spell of light
Re: Hey whats your favorite racee

As I said repeatedly lorewise Undead Paladins make much more sense than Undead Priests!

There was some official statement back in Vanilladays when Horde had Shamans and Alliance had Paladins that the healingclasses & races got kinda mixed up. This "balancing" we all love oh so much resulted in Priests with battle rezz in Beta and for fairness were given to both sides (before druids got implemented afair).

Ontopic: Naga->Undead->rest

edit: need a female Naga Shaman->would pay 10 Bucks/Month for this :)
Re: Hey whats your favorite racee

Human because Im a human.
Re: Hey whats your favorite racee

Trolls be number one, mon
We got dem tusks, tattooos, dem stumpy feet, and de best hairstyles in de game. Also goggles look sexy on us. That is all
Re: Hey whats your favorite racee

Night Elves>Looks badass in every mog>Best hairstyle>Immortal>Free Stealth.
Re: Hey whats your favorite racee

I like gnomes best. I enjoy most of the races except human.

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