Hey Ballerz

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Toast, you are a nerd for kicking me out of vent over and over. To the more respectable ones, why do you want to play with someone that does that sort of thing?

I thought you guys didn't want to be thought of as an intentional detriment to the bracket. By group queueing you are doing doing exactly that. It's reducing the quality of games. The games that you all get in, are facerolls from Alliance side. The games that you don't all get in, are facerolls from Hordeside. Surely you see this...
can we get this to 60 pages
We can only hope for the best.
Thread Change: What's your favorite Pizza to buy and why?

I would say my favorite pizza would be Little Caesars. The reason why I like it is because it's the only pizza I can afford with my minimum wage job.
im just posting to add a gif to this discussion

That dog has some big knees.

source video clears it up nicely.
Inkobah said:
What's going on here?


I'll field this one,

29's US are actually a large grouping of masochists that truely enjoy each other both in game and out. :p

don't shhh stop crying you got in vent!

Toast be nice <3

Ohai you are beyond amazing in so many ways.
Just some Bracketly love :D
Inkobah said:
What's going on here?



I'm running out of sfw gifs
Pizza I saw you in 29 vent do you have a 29 or what?

Oh and at op I played my first 29 game ever today pretty sure only had 1 other mb with me, still beat you. Your argument is invalid.
This is a travesty. The manner in which this thread was started - on the backs of an innocent, but trash guild - is both disturbing and entirely uncalled for. This thread is not indicative of the kind of community we at 29s are attempting to foster and to that end, it should be locked and closed immediately. Otherwise, irreparable harm may be incurred when potential new players peruse this thread and decide to forego the bracket as a result.

You should all be ashamed. Woe upon you!
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