Hey All - F2P 5 Posts.


Hey all,

I've been a lurker on TwinkInfo for a while and I decided that today I should make an account. How are we all?

~ Beastly
I got 4k post count but could aleays.use more.

Im making 28 dollars and hour atm. Im prety happy; how about yourself Beast
I'm losing a few cents every hour I use TI.
Think he meant you get to sit @ work making $28/hr while surfing TI.
Hi! Post #4!!!
And 5.
Hi All,

I am a reasonably new f2p having downsized from p2p (have 3 X lvl 85, DK Tank, Warrior Tank/Fury and Pally Heals/Ret). I put together 4 f2p on my starting realm Dath Remar but just finished a Horde D Priest on AP as found this website and decided to check the f2p community on AP

Tauren priest (i luv the stomp) is pretty much finished for blue gear and have not tried for the trinket on AP as hear it is hard to get.

So post 1
Hi Shakuutroll

Me too, did my first premade today with ap guys an they are very good, so was fun. Think first time i played my priest in bg and NOT died,lo

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