Herbalism/Skinning Guide



I am in the process of leveling Skinning and Herb, however, whenever I am check online guides, it wants me to go to Blasted Lands and such, to level Herb - can that really be true? Aren't the mobs 50+ there?
I stayed on the waters edge of the Eastern Plaguelands. There's plenty of Liferoot to get you there, it will take a little while, but there are no mobs on the edge of the water.

I'm talking about the water where Scholomance is located also, by the way.

If you can't find any herbs, they spawn quickly, but there is also plenty of fishing nodes to keep you busy if you want to get that up.

My tip probably isn't the fastest, but it definitely did work for me, and it's not a bad choice if you don't have people to kill mobs for you. Because at 19 even 35's aggro onto you from what seems like 150 feet away.
Squadbroken said:
I stayed on the waters edge of the Eastern Plaguelands. There's plenty of Liferoot to get you there, it will take a little while, but there are no mobs on the edge of the water.

I'm talking about the water where Scholomance is located also, by the way.

If you can't find any herbs, they spawn quickly, but there is also plenty of fishing nodes to keep you busy if you want to get that up.

My tip probably isn't the fastest, but it definitely did work for me, and it's not a bad choice if you don't have people to kill mobs for you. Because at 19 even 35's aggro onto you from what seems like 150 feet away.

Yea, that was my biggest concern also, thanks!
Yeah, glad I was able to help. Someone is going to try to argue with how I did it, but it's not a big deal. I grinded to 225 that way from probably 100 in a good few hours. It wasn't too bad. Just be sure to try to get friends online so you at least have someone to talk to haha. Obviously you can't get Liferoot at 100, but there is also LOADS on Stranglekelp in the water. I mean like, a lot. So if you want to not have to go there later, just go there now, use Stranglekelp to 150, and then start getting Liferoot.
Would also recommend the Lake around Scholo, it really is amazing in comparison to the other option I'm aware of. I spent ages in Arathi killing level 26/27 mobs to get to herbs and levelling very slowly before finding that place.

Just do continuous laps around the edge of the lake, be sure to occasionally check down the river towards Hillsbrad there are some herbs near where it merges with the lake, and don't be tempted by the herbs where you risk aggroing mobs, it's quicker just to ignore them and find the next spawn.
Ironic said:
Would also recommend the Lake around Scholo, it really is amazing in comparison to the other option I'm aware of. I spent ages in Arathi killing level 26/27 mobs to get to herbs and levelling very slowly before finding that place.

Just do continuous laps around the edge of the lake, be sure to occasionally check down the river towards Hillsbrad there are some herbs near where it merges with the lake, and don't be tempted by the herbs where you risk aggroing mobs, it's quicker just to ignore them and find the next spawn.

This place sounds really good, im going to try this out for my next guy.

I went through wetlands up to like 185, then to arathis highlands, but I had to kill a lot of stuff.

Its nice you can queue for things from anywhere, it makes it more effecient to do it that way.
pilgrim said:
This place sounds really good, im going to try this out for my next guy.

I went through wetlands up to like 185, then to arathis highlands, but I had to kill a lot of stuff.

Its nice you can queue for things from anywhere, it makes it more effecient to do it that way.

It does take a while in comparison to having people kill mobs for you.

But if you don't have someone helping, from what I've found (feel free to disagree, I didn't try a whole lot of places), this is the easiest way to do it.

When you compare to Arathi it's not even a contest.
get hit rating elixers and go STV, follow the river from near nesingwary right round, some lvl 26-29 mobs to contend with but we're twinks and we're pro like dat!

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