Herbalism 185-225

Where to herb from 185-225?

Both single notes and/or rote's with or without protecer.

(your opinion how to get to 225 from 185)
Well, if you're going to try to solo, you can pretty much forget it. Herbs that'll get you points in the 185-225 range are:

Kingsblood: Wetlands

Liferoot: Wetlands

Fadeleaf: Arthi Highlands

Goldthorn: Arthi Highlands

Khadgar's Whisker: Arthi Highlands

Wintersbite: Alterac Mountains

Firebloom: Badlands, Tanaris, Searing Gorge and Blasted Lands

Purple Lotus: Tanaris, Searing Gorge and Blasted Lands

All those areas are well beyond the 19's ability to solo without getting killed a lot or gaining a lot of XP.

You're best bet (IMHO) is to dual-box with a main that's at least 60 (you can buy a 2nd account- and transfer your twink over- then back in 30 days). Your next-best bet is to get a friend/guildie to escort you out-of group. Only get the discovery XP that way- I’d recommend you also use vent (as you friend will be mind-numbing-bored, and may not see that you’re being killed).

Good luck!
Im solo but got 80 on same account. If only 1-5 mobs in the way, I can kill them

EDIT: XP is no problem since im level 11
No escort

No escort no death's Up the river from southshore through alterac and ending in western plaguelands picking liferoots, fadeleaf's, steelblooms. You can also fish for your find fish book in the pools of the hillsbrad river. Thats how i leveled my herbs, because ashenvale really sucks and stv is a pain sneaking around. If you get an aggro in hillsbrad just jump the river and the mobs dont chase you through (if the river is deep enough at that point). Liferoot's will take you all the way to 225. If you do it right you wont need more than 1 discovery.
My priest got 225 herb about 2 weeks ago. I'd recomend STV (with an escort) up to 210 Herb. I found a nice route where I'd go from BB and head south somewhat near the coast all the way down to Gurubashi then I'd head back north. 210-225 there aren't many options, what I did was Tanaris for Purple Lotus (i think that's what it's called) around the ruins but I wouldn't recomend it because everything is so spread out.
The way i did it with minimal XP gain is:

use secondary prof as skinning (will have to skillup to ~180 i think) - you can skillup engi or whatever prof you want after

This also involves you using the skinning/mine/herb bug (gaining skill from same herb), but im not sure if it still works

Farm liferoot just east of Tarren mill along the river upto 195, here u can skin the turtles (190 if u have +5 skin gloves)

for 190-225 go north from tarren mill into arathi highlands, and look for wintersbite, you can skin yeti's here.

ofc youll also need a lvl 50+ to kill the 6-8 skinnble mobs for you (do this out of group for no exp)
Predsr said:
This also involves you using the skinning/mine/herb bug (gaining skill from same herb), but im not sure if it still works

If it work, how?
1. Turn off auto loot

2. Find a herb

3. Find 7 skinnble mobs and kill em near herb

4. Loot all 7 mobs so they become skinnble

5. Put 'skinning' from your spellbook onto your hotbar (i bind it too)

6. Gather the herb BUT dont loot it (gain the skillup)

7. goto mob number #1 and skin it - you need to do this a special way, highlight the mob then press the 'skinning' icon you placed on hotbar - gain a skillup but DONT loot the skin

8. repeat for mobs 2-7

9. Herb the herb again *it should give a skill up* if not, skin a few of the mobs again then try again.

9. rinse and repeat
I know this is for lv19 twinks, but if you're doing a 29, SM library will have a fadeleaf and a Liferoot every time you reset. You need at least 160 herbalism to grab the fadeleaf, so if you start farming for [item]Deadman's Hand[/item] at 159 herbalism and grab both herbs every time, you should have at least 225 by the time your ring drops. I'm not sure at what level fadeleaf greys out, though.
Predsr said:
1. Turn off auto loot

2. Find a herb

3. Find 7 skinnble mobs and kill em near herb

4. Loot all 7 mobs so they become skinnble

5. Put 'skinning' from your spellbook onto your hotbar (i bind it too)

6. Gather the herb BUT dont loot it (gain the skillup)

7. goto mob number #1 and skin it - you need to do this a special way, highlight the mob then press the 'skinning' icon you placed on hotbar - gain a skillup but DONT loot the skin

8. repeat for mobs 2-7

9. Herb the herb again *it should give a skill up* if not, skin a few of the mobs again then try again.

9. rinse and repeat

I'm not sure, but I think Blizzard considers this an exploit, and a ban-able offence- use at your own risk...
Okey, soo easy anyways with User's post and dont got skining either. Soo I just stick to normal herbalism

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