Herald of the Titans


Hey me and a few mates will be running this shortly and need a few people to fill in the blanks, group will consist of mainly Saviors of Azeroth, so its pretty much a guaranteed kill.

Contact me via Real I.D - legs_101_@hotmail.co.uk

Dont bother if you're retarded.
Hey me and a few mates will be running this shortly and need a few people to fill in the blanks, group will consist of mainly Saviors of Azeroth, so its pretty much a guaranteed kill.

Contact me via Real I.D - legs_101_@hotmail.co.uk

Dont bother if you're retarded.

I was going to be mean, but I'm too tired.

You might wanna let people know what faction and I can only assume as you have a .co.uk email address it'll be EU.
Horde, EU, and the reason we might need extras is because not everybody has time to level a new character, and how have you been in 3 post-cataclysm groups? Playing one expansion ahead? sick son

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