Herald of the Titans warrior dps - any tips?


Heya, I'm new here *waves* Hope this is the right place to post this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

So I'm going for herald of the titans on my warrior, and I'm looking for tips on doing high dps at level 80 in herald gear.
I tried for it this friday, but due to the strategy requiring high dps( zerging so that no big bang happens) I was replaced because I only did about 6k dps while

others did 7.5k-11k and was told I only did 5k while others did double, and RL really doesn't like wipes. Many died to big bang. However I have another chance

this friday, so I'm trying to cheese in some more dps so I can get what I think is one of the most awesome achievements in the game. I was told they had seen

warriors top meters before with herald, but I'm unsure if it was prot or not although I'm really curious. One thing might have been that I tried too hard to avoid

the cosmic smash, as is ingrained in me from normal raiding.

I have the tailoring enchant (4000 ap proc) and enchanting (80 flat str)
I used +60 str +60 stam food, but I found some +90 I will use instead this time(I'm a panda)
I have 4 set bonus
I used flask of titanic strenght and golemblood potion( it seems prepotting is not an option for algalon btw?)

Have any of you done this with a dps warrior in mop? Any tips? Any tips on priority/rotation? I don't have colossus smash or any banners at 80. I tested fury vs

arms on a dummy before and it seemed to be similar so I went with arms. However with reforging even more mastery arms might be pulling ahead on the dummy, but idk

if i might get unlucky with procs in the actual fight. But yeah, I've now seen how great mastery is, is it even more important than strength? Should I change my

flasks/foods? Although it has increased my dps slightly on the dummy I'm not seeing how it could add so much that I'm on par with the rogues, spriests etc.
All my google fu has given me is advice that the achievement is so easy to get now so there's no need to worry, but......
So that's why I'm here now. Is there some trick to doing amazing dps as a herald warrior?

At least I look really cool in my ulduar gear. I love ulduar.

Hey I might just try to make my own group and do a "normal" strategy, where people try to avoid getting hit by big bang. Sounds a bit more fun. :p

Armory link EU alliance
Prot is likely better than DPS specs, assuming you're tanking a large amount of time. Algalon's vengeance is silly (As a paladin, in herald gear I tend to do 18-26k dps on algalon, and that's 3manning it)

I'm not sure what the other classes are that you're speaking of, but Warriors really need colossus smash. Looking at your gear though, I'd suggest a different 2nd trinket, and to match the str socket bonuses. If you've got gold, leatherworking is also miles better than enchanting (500str to bracers and 285 str/165 crit to legs). Could get shoulder enchant from the Sons of Hodir reptutation too, if jp is something you've got plenty of.

I'm not sure why a normal strat (not dying to big bang is so, so easy) wouldn't be the best way, unless you ran with 1 healer 2 tanks rest dps. Been meaning to try that myself though.
Prot is likely better than DPS specs, assuming you're tanking a large amount of time. Algalon's vengeance is silly (As a paladin, in herald gear I tend to do 18-26k dps on algalon, and that's 3manning it)

I'm not sure what the other classes are that you're speaking of, but Warriors really need colossus smash. Looking at your gear though, I'd suggest a different 2nd trinket, and to match the str socket bonuses. If you've got gold, leatherworking is also miles better than enchanting (500str to bracers and 285 str/165 crit to legs). Could get shoulder enchant from the Sons of Hodir reptutation too, if jp is something you've got plenty of.

I'm not sure why a normal strat (not dying to big bang is so, so easy) wouldn't be the best way, unless you ran with 1 healer 2 tanks rest dps. Been meaning to try that myself though.
Thanks alot for your reply you mean I should just to choose to tank it instead?( I have the legacy of thunder and the boreal guard) With the gear that I have?

I was thinking of leatherworking, but considering how much gold I used to level enchanting that's a chilling thought, unless I had wanted this to be a perm twink :p

The fury of the five flights I was looking to replace with the darkmoon-greatness one, would that be a good tradeoff?

Luckily I have hodir exalted on another character so I can get that enchant since it's boa ^-^

The other classes were assasination rogue, spriests and warlock.

The strat was set out by the raidleader who had made the openraid and had done it that way several times they said, and was really upset about wiping since they "hadn't in two months of doing this" We started off with the tank being late and the kitty off tanking it, so when the tank came online i was replaced by him and was told I did really low dps.

I'm thinking of just finding a raid that does it differently( the one for this fri was cancelled anyways) since it's much more pleasant as I was really doing this for fun( and an awesome title) But the comment that some warriors had topped the meters before had my curiousity peaked if I did something really terrible, but might have just been a vengeance dps.

But yeah if people hadn't died to the first big bang we would have made it since I was at execute phase( almost alone) at the end, but yeah rl hates wipes. We were going 2 tanks(but one of them kitty) 2 heals.

Good luck if you try ^-^
May want to consider regemming stamina if you want to tank, but that gear is fine (get 15% expertise). Weapon should be the slowest 232 you can find, agility or otherwise (I think the best one is the fist from Steelbreaker)

Fury of the Five Flights is a good trinket, replace the tentacle one first.

Vengeance DPs is likely to explain the damage difference, people really don't understand how much of a loss colossus smash is to a warrior (ask Xipe)

Have you considered fury? I'm not sure arms scales quite as well at this level.

And yes, leatherworking is expensive as hell. But it is the best one for melee :p
I will have to see the make up of whatever raid I'm joining but trying tanking it is not out of the question, if having a weapon be as slow as possible is very important I have an agil 2.8o 219 one from rasorscale due to me hoarding anything that looks pretty :p And I could put +30 stamina into the blue sockets if it comes to that. I even have 2 tokens I haven't used I could replace some gear with.

But...but...item level XD....So greatness would be better than the yogg saron one? I'll be able to get it as dmf is around the corner.

I have been playing around with both specs and they seem to perform similarly, I'm not sure if there's any point in going above 7.5% hit as fury, but I miss a lot whith my white damage as fury. But I also haven't bothered gemming and enchanting my second two hander for that.( both 232) But arms feels a bit strange in this gear as I feel like there's not always something to do, no overpower stacks, MS on cd and low rage. At least fury gets more rage.

I have seen how amazing vengeance can be at level 90( like blade lord) so that's probably it, I saw your 3 manning video and prot pala seems to benefit amazingly from it at 80. I feel I was treated a bit unfairly, but my heart will go on..... In one way I'm releaved that it means I'm not that terrible after all, but saddened that other than changing out my expensively aquired prof with another expensive one there's not much I can do, at least not to reach 9k+

Thanks for your help btw, much appreciated <3

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