Hey all! I have been twinking for some time now and I do realize that in order to enchant legs and shoulders you will need a level 85+ character to enchant/mail them to your alt.
The problem I am running into is I do not have a level 85+ character on Bleeding Hollow!
I have plenty on Sargeras(Alliance) & Mal'Ganis(Horde) but that's not helping because the characters need to be from the same realm!
What I am asking, can someone else level 85+ enchanting my legs/shoulders via trade window ? I am not sure if thats possible, if not; is my only option to level a character on bleeding hollow to level 85+??
I desperately need my legs/shoulders enchanted!
The problem I am running into is I do not have a level 85+ character on Bleeding Hollow!
I have plenty on Sargeras(Alliance) & Mal'Ganis(Horde) but that's not helping because the characters need to be from the same realm!
What I am asking, can someone else level 85+ enchanting my legs/shoulders via trade window ? I am not sure if thats possible, if not; is my only option to level a character on bleeding hollow to level 85+??
I desperately need my legs/shoulders enchanted!