Help with 39 ret pally.


first time making a 39 and dicided to go with a ret pally...i havnt seen any good guides or characters that i can go by. I am making him on bloodscalp and dont have a main so cant get the BoAs. And def. dont have enough for PoD.

Thanks for the help :)
take your pick of slots of these paladin's is your best bet, cba to find a guide...





can go into more details if you want specific answers as I was Ret for ages
Thanks alot i compared the gear and it looks great but now i just need to find a good 2h wep. not PoD cant afford that. If you can help me out with that :)
nokaoi said:
bloody arcanite reaver

lumbering ogre axe


Mallet of ZF + Shield

these, or if you are Alliance, Bonebiter does the job of LoA

basically as you said you can't access BoA's you would go

LoA/BB > The Pacifier > Mallet of ZF + Shield
come on, they got exo now...not that they only need to selfbuff now, they need to manage a second offensive attack!

thats 4 keybinds at least - HoF/HoJ/exo/bubble

or lets say a second cast random macro^^
I haven't started playing my pally yet. I ran him through xp bg's between 35 and 37, though. However, aside from one person, I've heard nothing but complaints about paladins' output now versus pre-3.2. Yes, exorcism is strong. But it's almost unusable against many classes. I'd much rather not have exorcism and have russian roulette seal of command.

That said, they have to be better than feral druids, right? Playing a ret should be a vacation for me.
most people will run round " critters are gone. me WATNZ my crittörrrrZ back!!!111eleven"

but a high constant damge + the ability to throw an exo at a target of choice in a moment of choice is not that bad.

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