Help me with my memory


So I'm getting older and don't remember too well, but I recall getting some twink gear from a high level quest that would auto-add when you dropped down into some water in/near a dungeon (maybe only if you were grouped with a high level toon which you probably would be anyway). I think it was Maraudon but I could be wrong. I also seem to remember it was on 29s (but maybe 39s?). I don't remember enough (like what the quest reward was) to look it up and when I look at Mara guides nothing comes back to me. I do remember that this quest was removed at some point and that it might have been considered glitchy that you could even get it.

Does anyone know what I'm remembering?
I guess it is the quest for cloth gloves at last wing of mara. The only thing that pops in my head
when you say water dungeon, I think of Wailing Caverns, Blackfathom Deeps, Maraudon and Sunken Temple and even Scholomance... can't relate to the quest you're mentioning tho

Mara has several entrances btw. One of them is directly in the water with the hydra monsters at the beginning
You might be thinking of the secrete boss in wailing caverns and the Talbar Mantle! : )

To get it you go to the wailing caverns, and have to kill all 4 serpentlords. Which is quite the epic experience, the final one is up high with a winding path, and afterwards you drop down into the water and talk with a fellow who needs to be escorted to cleanse a special chamber, this summons a special boss who comes out of the water! Upon dying he drops a gem that begins a short quest line to get the best twink shoulders at level 19 (not counting Naxx shoulder enchants which basically no one had back in the day.)
I think he was talking about this one, found it in db -
It was available via autoaccept at last mara wing for 29, but then got patched cuz gear from this quest had way higher ilvl than usual gear.

That's exactly the one. The leather boots were BiS for 29 shamans, since they could take the Boar's Speed enchant, and then the quest got grandfathered. I recall even some 39s used gear rewards from that quest.

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