Help me out!

Okay I just finished my twink literally 4 days ago, (thus only got to enjoy the mining glitch for a short time) and I want to make sure I have the best FC gear.

Please tell me if I should change my gear! (note of course I should get the fishing gear don't remind me to get that, I'm working on it).

Here is my armory. I am currently equipped with my FC gear:

PS. and I am going to get the +16 spellpower enchant on my gloves, so just imagine it is there to critique.
Ok, fishing hat + 100 hp

Wranglers wristbands (5 stam, not 4)

5/5 Legs

Fishing boots with +12 stamina

Thats it really
Ok thanks. Like I said before I am working on the fishing gear. But thanks for pointing out the bracers thing. I had no idea you could get em with +5 stamina.
Yeh I forgot about that

And if you can, get the 16 stamina naax enchant on some white shoulders
Get a blood ring over lavishly jeweled. 5stam.
fishing hat +100 hp is probably best. 8 stam +25% = 10 stam = 100 hp. the only way 8 stam is better is if you're in bear form with another stamina % increasing buff, like blessing of kings.
Luka said:
Fishing boots with +12 stamina

personally i'd go with Boar's speed, it gives 9 stamina and a minor speed increase. that minor speed helps if the flag debuff is not on you and it can save you from enemies that are not in range with minor speed, or in range without minor speed.
Relolas said:
Night Watch Shortsword if you really want to be picky about stam.

druids can't use swords

btw OP i just checked your armory...get 70 armor to your back. and next time don't apply nethercleft to 4/5 pants, 5/5 aren't all that rare and checking the AH every day for them will allow you to aquire them easily (in most cases anyways)
Locky said:

That is all.

bummer, the link doesn't work for me.

btw, max stam isn't always best, sometimes having int and sp, especially in pug games, helps. still max stam is very sexy :D
replaced it with '%EE' still gives me an error, i might just be being stupid. maybe he's Xferring or changed his name.

w/e, not a big deal
wranglers wristband of stamina 5 stam with 9 stam encahnt

7 stam to one pair of boots for when your at your base/debuff

minor run speed on one

2 fishing boots 12 stam/boars speed

fishing hat 100 hp(or your goggles)

5 stam ring x2 (for top hp or stick with seal for more well rounded stats imo)

15 agi to gloves for dodge/armor

i would use the wsg neck for dodge/armor

boa shoulders have more stam

70 armor or 4 resit to all spells,if there are more caster dps in your bg get resit if there are mele (most likely) go with 70 armor

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