Help me out please!!!


Hey guys. I currently play 19's with an 85. But i want to make a side F2p account. Fill me on the faction and class that would be best for a skilled player and is fairly easy to gear. Im U.S. btw. Thanks!
We get the question of what class should I play fairly regularly, and truthfully the best answer is still going to be that you should play whatever makes you the most happy. It's hard for another person to advise you on what you will find fun, because fun is subjective and their idea of fun my drastically differ from yours.

As far as the ease of gear, at level 20 pretty much all of your gear is going to come from dungeon drops that are relatively easy to get. I mean yes there are world-drop blues that are better, but you can get 90% of the way there on dungeon drops and then work on WD blues and BoAs from there. You will of course have to level your own enchanting, and LW for armor kits, and that means you'll have to take up and then drop professions, but a really good guide for doing so can be found here:

If you want to be on a server that has a large and active F2P community, so that you have people to talk to and do arenas with (oh yes, arenas!) and other world events, then there's really nowhere to go other than Aerie Peak. Both factions have lots of active members, and several folks even play both sides. If you are interested, please see my "how to Join the Aerie Peak F2P Community" thread on this forum.

Enjoy your stay, look forward to seeing you around!
just a heads up hunter is the best class to use when fighting 24s. rogue and pally is not as good but still better than the rest of the classes and easier than the rest to play. And watch out for the 24 trolls ;p horde has fast queue times and goblin surveyor alliance long queue times but better gear.
Yes as Kin said, play what makes you happy, I can only speak from the Alliance point of view, but we tend to have a decent balance of healers and dps in our 5man groups, rarely run with hunters though. We have p2p's that will help set up groups for wsg or to run random dungeons, and everyone of the f2p's is willing to answer questions.
Hope to see ya in game.

From what I have seen is that alliance gears up easier and quicker than horde. But horde que times are very quick where as I'm sure many AP allies will tell You how crazy there wait time is. In my opinion Ally is better when it comes to winning and gearing up, but Horde is superior for waiting BG's and not getting totally smashed nd trilled by 24s. This is just what I have seen but it's Your choice. Hope to see ya around. :)
From what I have seen is that alliance gears up easier and quicker than horde. But horde que times are very quick where as I'm sure many AP allies will tell You how crazy there wait time is. In my opinion Ally is better when it comes to winning and gearing up, but Horde is superior for waiting BG's and not getting totally smashed nd trilled by 24s. This is just what I have seen but it's Your choice. Hope to see ya around. :)

its not that its easier for alliance to gear up, outside of maybe lets say a head slot for leather wearers. alot of horde are just flat out lazy and queue with terrible gear.
I don't buy the lazy horde argument. There is an obvious population imbalance with the noob/twink ratio on both sides. It is also unreasonable to think that actual noobs are lazy for standard behavior. Nobody is getting gear like ours unless they know exactly what they are doing AND are motivated to do so.

The first real twink I ever encountered in vanilla seemed like a really good player. I had no idea at the time that gear made that much of a difference. These noobs today are not lazy, just ignorant.

Consider queue times:


~15 minutes LFD

~1-2 minutes BG


~15 minutes LFD

~10-15 minutes BG

The deck is stacked...

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