Help im hacked

aether said:
their phones are open from 9am-6pm cant do that TODAY

Wait until Monday. This is why most people steal accounts on Friday.
argh, sucks to be you :( but I think there's nothing you can do untill monday. Seriously though, you could try to transelate the secret question
Post on here what the Secret Question is.. Although its unlikely we will guess the answer you never now. various websites and addons can translate text. I use Globefish on firefox its a fantastic tool with good translations albeit simplistic ones.

(Have you tried your secret answer? they may have just changed your base language or something but the question and answer may still be the same.)

Gl getting it back.
The answer is bound to be some giberrish unrelated to the question. I think.
Lepidosteus said:
Make sure your email account isn't hacked as well.

If it is, recover that first ;)

This is good advice^, also IAT is right about the stealing accounts on friday, they are smart.

Was your account hacked? or was it suspended by Blizzard because of malicious activies (ie Mass advertising) as a result of being hacked?

Although these sound similiar they are very different, the later is the better senario because blizzard has taken immediate action. Where as if your account was just hacked they could be on your toons right now (sorry to scare you). If it is not suspended I suggest you try and suspend it somehow

The support system is not very good the phone number (i believe it's called "billing") that you call says that they cannot recover your account by phone and that you must submit by email or forums. Take my advice talk to a live person on the phone!

Say things like "Hello how are you, I am trying to regain control of my account, can you help"

Good luck, it happens sometimes
Grabco said:
Good luck, it happens when you're dull enough to accept programs without an AV or open webpages sent from random emails

Sorry, it doesn't just happen "sometimes". OP did something stupid, there is no other way unless he logged in at a friend's house or someone slipped his computer something when he was away.
roguedubb said:
Just like it's easy to put your hand in a blender.

This sums it up. I rofl'd.
aether said:
also... i dont buy gold online.. just spam the spamsellers ingame.. >..>

Doesn't matter. You had to have done something stupid to have gotten your account stolen.

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