Hello :)


Thinking of coming back for a bit, haven't managed to enjoy the game since cata, i hear promising things but have some questions:

Firstly is anyone still about that i know? Basically anyone i played with/against in cata?

I only wanna play enh sham / ret pala, is that enjoyable?

19's or 29's?

Finally, while i know everything is subjective, is there really any point. Does the community i used to love still exist, is the game challenging and can individuals rather than class unbalance change a game.

Looking forward to any responses
Enh amd ret are actually oke now, but other classes like ferals will ruin your day :p

I think both can beat a feral if they use their defensives right :D

Both are decent @ 19, though enha is quite a bit more viable at 29. Good arena classes, maybe not the best specs for wsg but np
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Classwise, skillwise 19s & bracket, community 29s imo. The 19s bracket have never been so bursty as it is now and I'm reaaally trying to like it, I really do but no... not even the even games. Community is good at 19s too but I just feel more at home with the ppl I hang with at 29.
On the flip-side to Trollguden, I would not recommend 29s at all if you're looking for community, in my opinion it is extremely cancerous, 19s isn't full of angels, but it's certainly better.
Thank you all for your response!
How many games do 19's get a night?
Also which guilds are still active ( or new I guess)
Thank you all for your response!
How many games do 19's get a night?
Also which guilds are still active ( or new I guess)

Sometimes there are none, then there are 5 so it's hard to say.

Against All Odds is very active atm ( Draenor - Alliance), not so sure on the horde ones.
Welcome back! Also ret is very viable in arenas, little less in BG's. Resto sham is very very good :)
Enh is great fun in arenas and can suit up quite well vs many combs:)! However in WSG imo it's not as great with all the range dps blowing you up when trying to advance forward, so you will mainly see resto shamans playing as they are very viable atm (sick heals etc). I'm playing Enh in the 29 bracket when 19s isn't up and its pretty damn viable and strong, often topping Dmg charts, so maybe you will play a mixture like me:)
On eu you got Against All Odds on ally active and on horde you got Emerald Twinks , Better luck next time , same score different day well these are what i see in like skirmish or bgs on EU on US idk guilds all i know go to BH server you'll be at home :p too many twinks there

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