Hello my name is Swagasaur

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and I have a problem with addiction, listening to skrillex while watching WT afk is just too exciting. Please help.
wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop
u guys are the best thing to happen 2 this bracket since slicebread

and hes a boss seriously.
Hopefully waw tawent returns from "Vacation" soon!
wait you dumbfgts are actually active on DH still? maybe my subscription will stay alive past august
Just a bunch of trash in this thread.

OP don't get your e-peen too hard y0, your a hunter you don't get my respect.
Turdel said:
Just a bunch of trash in this thread.

OP don't get your e-peen too hard y0, your a hunter you don't get my respect.

I don't want the respect of 19. I want WT under my foot, which is coming pretty easy currently.
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