Hellfire Fornifications Event



"dont be scared to run slow...." my chinese is terrible so i can't read the 2nd half =.=

It's my new favorite chinese phrase ^_^ Good call on the first half.

"Do not fear going slowly, fear only standing still." Works for fc-ing as well as life :)
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Ok I'm not here to argue the numbers of the teams. I told you what they were if you wanna dispute that I'm sorry. As for doing it again next week or even tomorrow. I would be down it would just be more of a pug event. Before fishing would most likely work better for eu and for me tbh cuz I work. But you guys really don't need me. Just make sure you have at least one 85 on each side (that doesn't get their feelings hurt from /spit) and they can make groups and summon. As to the guy that said tell people what to expect, if they woulda read this thread they would have been able to see a video of the last time we did this and rules from the last time. I think one of the problems this time around was our 85s On both sides got their feelings hurt and decided to kill 20s. For whatever reason that's pretty unacceptable at a time like this one and it pretty much throws off the game entirely. Another problem I saw is horde was always up by 1 point till we three capped. Just because of the whole turning the base idea, kinda bad point system maybe next time I will have someone count every minute and grant a point per tower held per min. Seems like we would actually get a real score. Also I was thinking of lowering player limit to 15 or putting a class cap on the games. Prot paladins running around everywhere was definitely not fun. Let me know what y'all thinking about these ideas I wanna make this more fun for everyone :)
I liked the event, besides the interruptions from the 85s, overall this could bring alot more activity towards the bracket and maybe we could host similar events in the future (i believe theres a thing similar to hellfire one in zangarmash?), otherwise loads of different things we can do
I'm sorry but you can't excuse someone /spiting on someone for no reason at all (hell, even with a reason, it's quite lame). From what I heard it was unprovoked and Basket was upset and rightfully so. He was not there for his own enjoyment, he was not on his 20 like most 85s were. He just wanted to help out and he felt like people didn't respect that by spiting on him.

I don't know about other 85s but that is the only incident I really heard about in chat. Maybe someone can detail the other ones for me? I think Flow might have been involved in a few 'incidents' but other then that I'm clueless.
Shau seemed to be getting mad that he couldn't kill me on his mage, so after it was over he got on his 85 war, killed me and tbagged for a few minutes.
I'm sorry but you can't excuse someone /spiting on someone for no reason at all (hell, even with a reason, it's quite lame). From what I heard it was unprovoked and Basket was upset and rightfully so. He was not there for his own enjoyment, he was not on his 20 like most 85s were. He just wanted to help out and he felt like people didn't respect that by spiting on him.

I don't know about other 85s but that is the only incident I really heard about in chat. Maybe someone can detail the other ones for me? I think Flow might have been involved in a few 'incidents' but other then that I'm clueless.

Don't worry! I got those scum back.
I think the problem is that flow was flagged and was not allowing the 20s to turn a base. So they were emote spamming him and then he wiped all of the 20s we had at one base. Pretty sure I heard in vent that he did it twice. Im not sure if Krating was flagged for PvP as well but that is probably why they decided to emote spam him.

As for people showing up on their 85s and not on their 20s that isnt something that I asked people to do and it shouldnt be used as a reason in my opinion to try and spoil the event.

And Veinte. I was able to kill you multiple times. Just because my mage didnt hit you with a fireball when you died (I was playing fire haha) doesnt mean I didn't take part in your death.
Just because you did exactly nothing doesn't mean you did, the only times I died were when I was oom or got zerged by people.
I don't really expect a lot of things from you :p, at least you did it after the event was over.

Let's just do it again with all the 85s logged out after summons so they can participate? Which I think was intended all along?

Also what's a little tea-bagging between friends?

...on virtual pixel constructs anyway.

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