Heard you cant backstrafe in PTR

you just cant moonwalk, you can backstrafe fine

moonwalking was never game changing to begin with
I always assumed 'Moonwalking' was the same as 'Backstrafing' lol
Xposure said:
I always assumed 'Moonwalking' was the same as 'Backstrafing' lol

moonwalking is pretty selfexplanitory (spelling) but backstrafing is kinda just jumping backwards using your mouse to change directions quickly or using your mouse and your q and e keys to go backwards without a speed decrease but face forewards for most of the time (the other times you're facing the side so its half stats I believe but I've never been sure on that.)
Yeah sorry I meant moonwalking.. I always just call them the same thing being old and shit

There is a difference though =)

I will miss mwalking.. =(
I would miss it more if I had never found out that most of the time when you moonwalk no one else sees you doing it. I rarely do it anymore :/
Quara said:
Painaid, you strafe with 'e' and 'f'? interesting.

No I use 'q' and 'e'. I don't know what I was thinking when I typed that. I still have all my directional keybinds kept to default. Keyboard turning when you're lazy FTW.;)
Painaid said:
I'm assuming you mean moonwalking. I just got on the PTR and tried to moonwalk on several different characters and I could not do it. Not sure if this is just a PTR thing or whatever but it doesn't really matter since moonwalking was never really real anyway. The server never classified you as facing backwards -- it just looks cool.

Backstrafing, on the other hand, I think more of simply jumping back and forth toggling between your 'e' and 'f' strafing keys which still works and really can't be nerfed since it's just how you jump and turn while in midair.

Yeah, they mean moonwalking. Two VERY different things.
Wut? I always see other people moonwalking. I am curious though, what do you mean they fixed it? I believe its caused by some sort of latency issue as its extremely hard for me to moonwalk when connecting to localhost (my own computer) or inside of most instances.
you just cant moonwalk, you can backstrafe fine

they fixed it, it was a glitch that was bound to be fixed
Moonwalking isn't actually backstrafing which you are referring it to. The server still reads you as facing backwards when you moonwalk. Backstrafing is jumping and toggling your character back and forth so that you face backwards, but also going the same speed.

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