We felt that druid healing at lower levels wasn't as strong as it should be. While Healing Touch is a powerful healing spell, it's not nearly as efficient as Nourish and we've found that many druid healers are having a difficult time in lower level dungeons, running OOM after as little as 4 to 5 casts. Having a slow, but efficient heal available at level 3 should give druids a bit more flexibility early on and, perhaps more importantly, greater longevity. Though it might feel really cool to top off a tank's health bar in one big cast, if you can only do that for the first 15 seconds of a fight before depleting your mana, your overall effectiveness is going to suffer (read: your tank is going to die).
We understand this may have some impact on PvP healing and do want to look over balance at those lower levels at some point in the future. In the meantime, we definitely appreciate your constructive feedback. Keep testing!