Healing Paladin Gear


Any suggestions/profiles I could look at? I'm looking to wear all plate if possible, no heirlooms unfortunately. Old school baby!:cool:

"Requires level 50"
Not sure if it's all BiS and its not all plate but this is the item set I've been working on for pre-cata gear.

head - eye of flame

neck - gemshard heart

shoulder - pristine lightforge spaulders

back - battle healer's cloak

chest - mystical vest of the elements

wrist - stalwart bands of the sorceror

hands - green dragonscale gauntlets

waist - ban'thok sash or atal'ai girdle of the eagle

legs - green dragonscale leggings or jinxed hoodoo kilt

feet - stalwart treads of the sorceror

fingers - eye of orgrimmar/cyclopean band

trinkets - inherited medallion of the horde/discerning eye of the beast

weapon - devout aurastone hammer

shield - wall of the dead

edit - just noticed you said no BOAs, sorry i haven't looked at alternatives for those slots
green dragonscale set would still be BiS w/o BoAs (chest, legs, gloves)? unless there are a lot of gear changes, like stuff from the soon-to-be nerfed dungeons.

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