Healers Rundown

I haven’t made/played as a twink since mop/wod & haven’t played in general since late bfa-ish, I’d like to get back into it & play heals, but are there any advantages/disadvantages to specific classes? And do the playstyles feel as different as they do at capped? Currently going back & forth between resto shaman & resto Druid but tips on all healer specs are appreciated:)

So, if I get that right you played a Druid during BFA and consider twinking a druid or shaman.
Druid was very strong during BFA and is quite the opposite right now: super weak.
It is playable but far from what it used to be. Go with Shaman if those are the only 2 options that you consider.
So, if I get that right you played a Druid during BFA and consider twinking a druid or shaman.
Druid was very strong during BFA and is quite the opposite right now: super weak.
It is playable but far from what it used to be. Go with Shaman if those are the only 2 options that you consider.
Sweet, bummer that they lost their funk though
My main twink is a resto druid and I honestly don’t think they’re as bad as people think I’ve topped healing leaderboards countless times over paladins/priests/shamans I’ve even topped damage leaderboards playing as a resto - I know numbers don’t really mean anything in the grand scheme of things but my point is resto druid is not a bad choice at all. Imo easily the funnest healing class to play - you shouldn’t be picking a class to play because it’s “the best” or “the strongest” you should pick the class you personally gel with the most and enjoy playing the most
you shouldn’t be picking a class to play because it’s “the best” or “the strongest” you should pick the class you personally gel with the most and enjoy playing the most

What if i gel with being the best and the strongest?
I never played resto, but I've been tempted to play just to give ally an edge on maps with flags/recap. Care to explain what their rotation/stat priority? All I know is they have hots, some way of instant heal, a defensive cd they can share. How do they dps? Do they run into mana issues?
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I enjoy playing disc priest quite a bit personally.

Holy priest is kinda fun too, but not really my style.

Have tried shaman heals, which is fun, and druid ive "tried" to play, but wasnt for me. As for monk, and paladin, those two classes i've never really healed on.
Holy Priest is my favorite and will always be my favorite, I have about 8 of various levels, two level 60's, I think when someone finds a vibe with a class and spec they just enjoy it so much

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