Have the AV brackets changed?


A friend of mine was running his 70 twink tonight in AV and he said there was a level 74 in there. He also stated the tower guards were level 73 now.

My understanding was that AV was for 61-70. Has Blizz decided to change it to 70-79?

Could someone confirm this? (I wasn't able to check tonight).
all brackets have been split up

they are all #0 thru #4 or #5 thru #9

so AV, WSG, EOTS, SOTA, and AB for a 70 xp on or off is now 70-74's
correct got into an AV with my XP on one my 70 twinks and i was with a bunch of 75+ noobs also had some other 70 twinks complaining in BG chat aswell
i did many xp off and xp on BGs....when i took my 70's in, no one was higher than a 74. players where commenting about no one higher than a 74.
shanker said:
i did many xp off and xp on BGs....when i took my 70's in, no one was higher than a 74. players where commenting about no one higher than a 74.

It's 70-74

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