I remember the sweet days at 70 with shammy haste and just lb spamming, has anyone ever tried this at 19 ?? Stacking haste/sp, or would there be not enough haste to stack to see any real result ?
You can get a total of 62 haste at 19 which is aprox 29%
but you would miss out on
100 hp / 150 mana head.
14 spell power for trinkets
30 spell power weapon
35 spell power / 20 stam legs
16 spell power for gloves
i guess it could be cute to have it as an off set with the ability to swap into haste / normal gear but dropping 95 spell power for 30% haste increase... debatable if its worth it. maybe if you had 100 spell power with 30% haste it could be fun, but im not even sure thats possible
16% isnt noticable...its like .3 sec off lightning bolt...id just take the 30 sp/ 100hp or 150 mana...i bet if u do the math, 30 sp is about = in dps to 16 haste and the stats on helm is always nice