haste druid healer:glyph of healing touch


so basicly the idea is to stack haste and have near instant cast healing touch less than .4 seconds with talent and glyph and max haste......so anythoughts on this and this is also to fit a play style of mine i call heal and run..only druids can do it. keeps me moving and able to heal quickly and reduce my chance of getting silenced and such. and with low hp bases at around 1k-1.5k im guessing my heals will hit for 300-400 with enuff sp and the lower mana cost will help aswell. mainly i want to get my heals off making fake casting obsolete for a druid atleast.(still fun to do with regrowth)
@Nutrun, u may have gcd but 0.4 then run so u cant be interupted and spend less time stood still.

@Doomheals there is 1 thing you forget tho mate, its not a reduced mana cost really for the amount it heals, it heals 50% less but still costs 75% the original mana cost, so you are paying 150% mana cost for the original amount of healing, the glyph comes into afect after sp is added so you will be healing about 150, its nothing, atleast for now, healing touch is a rank 14 spell. in cata tho i have been thinking of this, stacking haste will never be as good as sp, but the glyph may be worth it, since healing touch will rank up automatically so will be healing far more, also it will be a 3 sec cast which is far too long in this bracket, no shaman or warrior will allow this and any caster with cc can cast a cc on u when he sees you casting it, the glyph will give u an affective version of priests flash heal, relatively high mana cost though buit we get mana regen in 19 bracket for healers so it may not be too much a problem. i would stil luse it only in an emergency then since we will have rejuv regrowth and swiftmend. will be interesting to see what is more affective healing touch or regrowth spam with the respective glyph, this ofc is only speculation, the chances of these glyphs staying the same are minimal.
Glyph of healing touch is not good. It is very inefficient and if you chain two or more glyphed healing touches in a row then it does not produce more healing per second than unglyphed, infact it produces less with three or more. If you use this setup your HoTs will be gimped since you wont have as much SP and your direct healing will be gimped due to you lowering the effectiveness of your healing touch.

Having uber quick healing touches isnt really necessary either. Your HoTs give you enough time to cast a regrowth or healing touch, and even if you are caught off guard and have no HoTs on your target, the burst in this bracket isnt so high, so a regrowth's cast time is usually short enough. The benefits of having the quick cast are not great enough to warrant gimping your HT due to the mana. Mana and interupts are usually the deciding factors in fights rather than throughput.
stonebound said:
@Nutrun, u may have gcd but 0.4 then run so u cant be interupted and spend less time stood still.

Say you have 1.2 sec GCD, and a 0.4 sec cast time on healing growth which does 50% of the healing of a spell (theoretically) which would otherwise take 0.8 secs to cast.

Now in that time you can either cast one 0.4 sec, or one 1.9 sec. But the 1.9 sec does 200% of the 0.4 sec. i.e. due to the limit of how many you can cast, you're seriously gimped in healing output buy reducing the cast time to such a low amount via the glyph.

Say Healing Touch does X healing and you have 4 seconds to heal.

You can do two 1.9s for 2X healing or three 0.4s (due to GCD limitation, which is probably low enough if you've got HT from 2.5s to 1.9s) for 1.5X healing.

On mobility, Druids already have massive mobility, and getting the extra 0.9s or whatever to move in between HT isn't going to do much.

Interrupts. Druids HoT, healing continues even if they can't cast, and they have various ways to prevent interrupts from Rogues and Warriors.
Sputnick said:
I made a thread about that @ pwndepot (pre-3.1)

Hastefull 19 Druid [Speculation/Theory] - PWN Depot

man reply to my message its vei are u same sput from deathwing? coz im coming back xD

also @nutrun i dont think u udnerstood me, 0.4 is still a faster cast than 1.9.. no shit right? xD its very difficult to interupt almost impossible and also u have an extra 1.5 seconds to kite someone with, thats what hes trying to say, ofc ur healing will be gimped because of it, if you read the rest of my post you will realise i did say it was a bad idea, i was just explaining his take on things, it wasn't a bad idea after all. it would literally help u kite more, thats all, sicne u wouldnt have to stand there for 1.9 seconds to get the cast off. but i did say it was a bad idea lol. <3
Nutrun said:
Say you have 1.2 sec GCD, and a 0.4 sec cast time on healing growth which does 50% of the healing of a spell (theoretically) which would otherwise take 0.8 secs to cast.

Now in that time you can either cast one 0.4 sec, or one 1.9 sec. But the 1.9 sec does 200% of the 0.4 sec. i.e. due to the limit of how many you can cast, you're seriously gimped in healing output buy reducing the cast time to such a low amount via the glyph.

Say Healing Touch does X healing and you have 4 seconds to heal.

You can do two 1.9s for 2X healing or three 0.4s (due to GCD limitation, which is probably low enough if you've got HT from 2.5s to 1.9s) for 1.5X healing.

On mobility, Druids already have massive mobility, and getting the extra 0.9s or whatever to move in between HT isn't going to do much.

Interrupts. Druids HoT, healing continues even if they can't cast, and they have various ways to prevent interrupts from Rogues and Warriors.

yea what im saying tho they have 2 seconds to interupt me and stop me from healing and keeping my grp member alive.....or i can quick cast/instant with lower rank and then root/cc and allow my dps to take the attkers down so if u think about it yea i would gimp the healing and maybe spend more mana but i miss a fake cast or get interuppted 3 times in a row my target is going to die anyway and so am i if theres no one to heal him...and i also think it works with play style cuz i think i could actully make this work and it be good to use, yea i know if u look at it by numbers and such the glyph is bad but look at it like this i run up cast a instant cast heal and throw hots and regrowth saveing the fc from dying and the ally shaman couldnt get a wind shear off in time....or i run up throw hot try to regrowth get stoped fc dies they cap and then kill me.......just say it could work and be good
oh yea i can also stack mp5/int aswell 1k hp with about 1.5k-1.8k mana? i think thats about right

i already ahve the mp5 cloak and i can use mp5 to inferno robes(i am horde) mp5 to bracers and use twisted chanters with pvp regen stick ont he side
The bottom line to this argument is that the only benefit of this build would be to make it easier to avoid interrupts and get the first direct heal cast off quicker at the expense of mana. Any experienced druid will tell you that neither the direct heals or the interrupts are as big a problem as mana, thus this setup is not nearly as viable as conventional setups.
doomhealz said:
yea what im saying tho they have 2 seconds to interupt me and stop me from healing and keeping my grp member alive.....or i can quick cast/instant with lower rank and then root/cc and allow my dps to take the attkers down so if u think about it yea i would gimp the healing and maybe spend more mana but i miss a fake cast or get interuppted 3 times in a row my target is going to die anyway and so am i if theres no one to heal him...and i also think it works with play style cuz i think i could actully make this work and it be good to use, yea i know if u look at it by numbers and such the glyph is bad but look at it like this i run up cast a instant cast heal and throw hots and regrowth saveing the fc from dying and the ally shaman couldnt get a wind shear off in time....or i run up throw hot try to regrowth get stoped fc dies they cap and then kill me.......just say it could work and be good

Downranking won't be possible in Cataclysm, and resto druids as it is, are not used that often for setups if you are premading atm.
doomhealz said:
yea what im saying tho they have 2 seconds to interupt me and stop me from healing and keeping my grp member alive.....or i can quick cast/instant with lower rank and then root/cc and allow my dps to take the attkers down so if u think about it yea i would gimp the healing and maybe spend more mana but i miss a fake cast or get interuppted 3 times in a row my target is going to die anyway and so am i if theres no one to heal him...and i also think it works with play style cuz i think i could actully make this work and it be good to use, yea i know if u look at it by numbers and such the glyph is bad but look at it like this i run up cast a instant cast heal and throw hots and regrowth saveing the fc from dying and the ally shaman couldnt get a wind shear off in time....or i run up throw hot try to regrowth get stoped fc dies they cap and then kill me.......just say it could work and be good

If you are a competent healer your FC is more likely to die due to your D not being good enough at kiting (e.g. no mage or druid FC) or you oom than you being chain interrupted. If you use this setup the danger of you ooming is even greater.
People forget even though down-ranking wont be available the druids healing touch will be buffed (off topic now - nothing to do with haste or glyph since chances are they will change the glyph) HT is a lvl 14 learnt spell rank, now it ranks upw ith level so we will have a lvl 19 equivelant. druid and paladins direct healing will be buffed priests will be buffed a bit but tbh wont be all that viable as a healer now they dont have a dispell. i think we will see shamans as top healers and druids second. A complete change to the current Priest>Pala>Druid>Sham (my opinion)
stonebound said:
i think we will see shamans as top healers and druids second. A complete change to the current Priest>Pala>Druid>Sham (my opinion)

In cataclysm? My ranking of healers in cata goes druid>priest>pala>shaman. In cata druids will have unlimited mana, huge heals (800hp HT anyone?), the best CC (imo) and enough mobility to make it difficult to shake a stick at. A priest will have huge throughput even when interrupts are flying, but will have more mana, survivability and mobility problems than druids. Paladins will have more surv problems than the other two, but will be a close contender to the priest due to strong instant heals and FoL. The shaman wont be a good healer in cata, he only gets s long cast weak heal and earth shield. Ghostwolf will have a 2 sec cast time and he loses survivability like stoneclaw totem. The shaman healer wont be strong.

Thoroughly off topic now :)
shammans are getting a faster heal for 19s and how can we not be total sure earth shield wont make them broken....thats just a thought honeslty i have no idea i think cata will bring healers up to par cuz like swiftmend gives druids a instant cast aswell penace for priest and holy shock for pallys only reason im think shams will work is they wont have to cast there instant cast spell just make sure to keep it active. that just alil bit of info from my head and well just have to wait and see i honestly think that shammans can only get better as a healer cuz the 1 long heal they have is just to easy to stop or burst thru. and druids ftw!!!!
doomhealz said:
shammans are getting a faster heal for 19s

They only get lesser healing wave at lvl 20. At level 19 they only have healing wave, which is 3 second cast and weak, whilst very very efficient. Earth shield looks decent for single target healing, but it wont be enough to persuade a shaman to spec resto i think.

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