Has soy posted recently?/has anyone tried farming shadowfang?

No one farms it because there's a rumor that's been going around for a while that it only drops off of 5 of the bosses in the instance (0.01% of the time or something). Unfortunately, it's against the rules for a GM to confirm or deny this. So, we'll never know for sure.
A major waste of time. I'd learn 2 different languages instead of actually farming SFK till SF drops.
I'm on my 1000th+ run in SFK and still no SF. Got a AB so far and help level a bunch of other friends. Still on the hunt.

soyz actually quit not too long ago :( and gave his account away (not gonna mention who to). The twinking community will miss you soyz. /RIP
I'd rather cut myself with a spoon than try to farm that. You can get thousands of gold in no time so why don't just buy it instead?
Elude said:
No one farms it because there's a rumor that's been going around for a while that it only drops off of 5 of the bosses in the instance (0.01% of the time or something). Unfortunately, it's against the rules for a GM to confirm or deny this. So, we'll never know for sure.

Going around for awhile? 2.3 is more than awhile ago. And no one has been able to produce a SS of it dropping off anyone other than Arugal, Nandos, Fenrus, Odo, or the Deathsworn Captain.
i've never seen it drop in 3 years of playing this game. who know's how many times running SFK and it's one of my favorite instances to run.
guy put one up on AH today for 1k g i bought it and then asked him what mob he got it from and he said one of the wolfmasters wolves, the boss with um... all the wolfs XD

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