has anyone here ever had an enema


Who's this guy?
They seem fun, was wondering if anyone here has tried getting one, I read sometimes bad things happen, so I'm looking around before I go out and buy the products to do one.
Seriously? How does an enema seem fun? I mean, I'd only advise it, if you really need to release some fecal matter, but other than that, why in the hell would you want to do it for 'fun'?
What are you guys talking about? What else could I get from having one besides fun?
Either you love things going in and out of your anus, or you're just really, really bored. RELIEF is probably the only word that I can use to describe an enema.
As a former pretend doctor on a poorly rated television network, I highly recommend using this for 'relief' purposes only. Overuse can result in dehydration amongst many other issues. Laxatives, suppositories, and a high fiber diet are often recommended before the use of enemas.

I hope you're just bored. I am a medical professional and I do not advise this.
it feels real nice. just open it up the night before with the end of a spoon like that one eu guy
Stabbedurazz said:
Already had this coppied so.... yea.


And by not sure... I mean hes ****ing trolling.

I'm not sure how asking something is trolling, if you think I'm being dumb that's still not trolling. I do not understand why you are using words you don't know the definition of.

And I am not looking for reasons not to do this I am looking for people to give me advice why I want to.

id only get it done if it was a medical necessity. doesnt seem fun in the slightest. and i certainly wouldnt do it at home myself/with help

u should watch the penn and teller BS about alternative medicine, pretty sure thats the one they cover (and ridicule) colonics in. really no health benefit, youd just shit the stuff out anyways unless you have an obstructed bowel or something (aka medical necessity - in which case go to a doctor). so basically just a waste and uncomfortable and potentially harmful

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