Hardest Classes to be Good With in the Bracket


How i feel
Easiest -
Frost Mage
Subtely Rogue
Disc Priest
Blood/frost Dk
Resto Sham
Fire/Arcane Mage
Druid Resto
MM Hunter
Arms Warrior
Feral Druid
Survival Hunter/Bm Hunter
Ele/Enh Shaman

This is how im seeing it currently thoughts?

Dont even try to argue that mages are hard you can be a decent mage by Freezing with frost nova ice lance spamming then using tazik
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Ele at the bottom really? Its not hard to play an ele shaman just all 70 ele suck.... same with feral.. You say mages are easy to be good with and so are rogues but there is 1 mage maybe 2 if being generous and 2 rogues that are actually good in the bracket not saying mage is hard to play at 70 but doesn't escape the fact that every 70 mage bar 1 or 2 are just dogshit
U don't see many good Rets but if played right they Have amazing burst
Playing each class and each spec is not the difficult part. It's trying to get around the fact that most Frost Mages can kill you in a single Deep freeze and most rogues can kill you in a single shadow dance. Even if you play perfectly with perfect gear, all they need are those 1-2 lucky crits and boom, you're @1-10% Health remaining; if not dead.

I am not saying that any derp can pull off playing as a 2.4k rogue/mage, but it's not easy getting around it either.

As far as the list goes, no one truly cares. Not to be rude of course. It's just a list, opinionated. There's too much to take into consideration other than class and spec. Different kinds of gearing, other levels than 70. It's too inaccurate to make a simple list such as that. and Tbh, it's not worth making a list.
Playing each class and each spec is not the difficult part. It's trying to get around the fact that most Frost Mages can kill you in a single Deep freeze and most rogues can kill you in a single shadow dance. Even if you play perfectly with perfect gear, all they need are those 1-2 lucky crits and boom, you're @1-10% Health remaining; if not dead.

I am not saying that any derp can pull off playing as a 2.4k rogue/mage, but it's not easy getting around it either.

As far as the list goes, no one truly cares. Not to be rude of course. It's just a list, opinionated. There's too much to take into consideration other than class and spec. Different kinds of gearing, other levels than 70. It's too inaccurate to make a simple list such as that. and Tbh, it's not worth making a list.


Make a list for setups instead maybe.. Disc/rogue vs disc/mage vs mage/rogue? D:
I'd say Spriest if running double DPS.
i feel like you made that list based on what you cn play and what you cant , have you ever played a hunter/warrior? the reason someone plays them at a high level is cause they can take all the bullshit that comes with it

A hunter does not have an high skillcap at all in this bracket, it's missing a huge amount of abilites that can seperate good hunters from bad hunters. And yes, I've played a hunter at 70.
OT, can't judge the classes, all classes are fairly easy to play.

edit: and what's up with people saying disc priests are hard to play haha.
I'm playing shadow priest with 2 diffrent characters, both of them are close to fully geared but with totally diffrent gear sets. One of them have sick haste with decent resilience and one of them are sick resilience with enough spell power to get a killing blow in arenas as double dps. I would say that it really took me a while to figure out how to play SP well because if you play it with sick haste and like 450 resilience like my first priest you'll probably be able to win against any comps except for Rogue comps, and if you play well with high resilience like my other priest which has 640 resilience as shadow you are able to win against any comp as you're not getting oneshotted and that means the player with most skill performance will win the game in the end by cc chains, not a lucky oneshot crit.

But.... here comes the problem: If you play with high resilience like I do on my other priest and they're targeting your arena partner NOT you, that means you won't get mana every time they crit 10% of your maximal health, and you also have to offheal so you'll probably get oom like Really fast by then you have to play it well and think about what you're doing not only playing defensive because that will end up that you're oom and have to go dispersion and your partner will die meanwhile or they'll make a switch with all their cds on you and you're pretty much dead. So my point is, SP is not only burst you need to play defensive and offensive at the same time else you'll fail like Johnnybravo said, (Much to think about)

{I wouldn't say that SP is the hardest class tho as you have dispersion every 1.25 and can offheal I would place it in the middle as there is some classes who doesn't even have that good survivals, like hunters: (Deterence, too low lvl in this brack)
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