Happy 420!

I was thinking to myself late last night how kick ass it would be if they announced that today

I would imagine you would have to be 21 to purchase, similar to alcohol.
Honestly, I wish the federal government would just go ahead and legalize it here. It may just cut down on some of the drug trade. It would start an entire new line of job opportunities for some people. The tobacco industry would probably swoop in and take over though.
I can see it right now, packages of MJ at your local grocery/drug/convience store. It would also get taxed to high heaven!!
I would imagine you would have to be 21 to purchase, similar to alcohol.
Honestly, I wish the federal government would just go ahead and legalize it here. It may just cut down on some of the drug trade. It would start an entire new line of job opportunities for some people. The tobacco industry would probably swoop in and take over though.
I can see it right now, packages of MJ at your local grocery/drug/convience store. It would also get taxed to high heaven!!
What I would really love to see is allowances on growing your own plants... 3-5 at a time or whatever for personal use
Legalize weed and get rid of cartels smuggling it into US therefore killing the cartels business even though it gonna be taxed the fuck out its worth it.
Remeber #vapelyfornolyf
Exactly what I stated, even same state.

Some states have a bill going that you have to be 21 to Vape now.

Ignorant in what way? The same could be said for any country on the entire world. We are all "ignorant" on some subjects.

Just because something is legal does not mean you have to partake. Swallowing rat poison is legal, but you would not do that. It would make you sick. Yet people drink alcohol every day and it is poison.

Are people strange for "drinking" or not "drinking"?
I actually find it strange that people drink. There have been many studies on this very subject.
Uhhhh Certain people prefer one Buzz over another?.......
Great for them...

Some people prefer not to be buzzed at all.
And that makes those people better than those who do? I'd argue that some of the most successful people in the world at least have a history of using illicit substances or at least enjoy a drink.
And that makes those people better than those who do? I'd argue that some of the most successful people in the world at least have a history of using illicit substances or at least enjoy a drink.

Who/where does it state that one is better for not partaking?
If I am not mistaken. there have been recent studies conducted on how red wine has heart healthy benefits. I am sure it is mostly because of the antioxidants and the resveratrol found on the skin of red grapes.

As in most things in life, as long as you take it in the proper proportion and you will be fine. The human be can adapt. The challenge lie is not to overwhelm it. And many people just do not have the intestinal fortitude to know when to say when. And that can be on anything... Drugs, eating, anger, gaming...
Who/where does it state that one is better for not partaking?
If I am not mistaken. there have been recent studies conducted on how red wine has heart healthy benefits. I am sure it is mostly because of the antioxidants and the resveratrol found on the skin of red grapes.

As in most things in life, as long as you take it in the proper proportion and you will be fine. The human be can adapt. The challenge lie is not to overwhelm it. And many people just do not have the intestinal fortitude to know when to say when. And that can be on anything... Drugs, eating, anger, gaming...
Just reading between the lines ^.^

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