Halls of Origin - I'm alone, I'm lost and stuck in a bubble


Well met! I've recently resumed my adventures of beating the shit out of Cata dungeons with my warrior and I ran into a problem in Halls of Origin.

(Unskippable) Part of the dungeon is a water elemental that periodically puts you in a bubble that can only be broken by attacking it. So far I managed to weather the assault by being a prot warrior and using human racial to break out every 3 minutes, but eventually respawning troggs would overwhelm my doublet self-healing.

Anyone have an idea on how to kill that elemental? A summonable temporary pet maybe? Gear with a thorns effect? I'm kinda stumped but I really want to clear this dungeon.
Raising your DPS with a burst spec wont work?
Or partnering with someone just for this boss.
On my hunter i can solo just about all 5 mans. But there is a dungeon boss that teleports me away and keeps resting because of it.
So not everything is possible.

And as a warrior you cant get the ooze and totem cheat trinkets.
Wrong class buddy
Where there's an axe there's a way. But really, I have accepted that there are bosses I cannot solo. Looking at you, Keleseth, Kael'thas and Shaffar.

But I am not yet ready to give up on Halls of Origin yet. I have a theoretical solution where I survive until human racial has reset often enough to whittle the mob down, but that'll take upwards of 30 minutes.
Have you tried the free/living action potion? or similar consumables?
Haven't had any on hand, but I don't think they work to remove you from of the bubble. I have done some research and my best bet would be the Drillborer Disk from MC, but I'll have to go farm that first. May try later with the potion, but the spell/effect that creates the bubble seems to be cast at random.
consider a vulpera fireflask, you can carry only one, but maybe it does damage in other places then where you get it from, its quite strong

nvm, ''Currently these can only be used in Daelin's Gate, where they are looted, and Vigil Hill, next to it. Trying to use them anywhere else will result in a "You are in the wrong zone" message. Basically it must say "Vigil Hill" or "Daelin's Gate" as the area name above your minimap for them to work.''

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