Hall of Fame - F2P Achievement Points

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Krenistus (blood elf paladin @ Emerald Dream) is currently sitting at 2005 points.

Why don't you make the list in increments of 100, rather than 500? At level 20, every achievement is an achievement; increments of 500 are simply a bit too broad.

Edit -- You may want to make sure that you spell "rogue" correctly in the opening post.
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Krenistus (blood elf paladin @ Emerald Dream) is currently sitting at 2005 points.

Why don't you make the list in increments of 100, rather than 500? At level 20, every achievement is an achievement; increments of 500 are simply a bit too broad.
...'cause it'd be too big of a pia to keep updated (not that this is being updated even at 500).

Personally, I think only the +2500 should be tracked...and then change the threshold to 3000 when 2 or 3 people make it.

so far the 2500 club is only Kale, Lofi, and Releron, correct?
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I know a lot of WWE Fans won't support Benoit into Hall Of Fame at all. I know they can't forgive Chris Benoit for his horrible actions outside the ring. And I can't blame them at all. Hall Of Fame are role models for the future wrestlers, they should be inspirations. So, no matter how great of a wrestler he was, a "KILLER/MURDERER" can't be a role model and inspiration. It will just hurt the credibility and prestige of Hall Of Fame, and it will get tons of negative reactions.

But, anyway, I still support Benoit into Hall Of Fame, but in a different way. WWE should have an explanation for that incident, so WWE won't get negative reactions while inducting Benoit.

what the fuck are you talking about? is this a bot?
...'cause it'd be too big of a pia to keep updated (not that this is being updated even at 500).

Personally, I think only the +2500 should be tracked...and then change the threshold to 3000 when 2 or 3 people make it.

so far the 2500 club is only Kale, Lofi, and Releron, correct?

You do realize that what you are effectively saying is that only the people who started their F2P before Brewfest could be on your short list until a full year has passed, right?
You do realize that what you are effectively saying is that only the people who started their F2P before Brewfest could be on your short list until a full year has passed, right?

Brewfest was only 50 points (with 1 more coming next fall)...and yes, its the achievement point hall of fame...not the "this new guy really likes to play" hall of fame.

besides that, you're asking someone to track a whole lot of people and its just a pia. i don't believe there's an effective automated search tool that lets you search the armory by achievement points and level. unless there is one, making a significant list that changes every week is asking a bit much.

this thread is a good example.
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Brewfest was only 50 points (with 1 more coming next fall)...and yes, its the achievement point hall of fame...not the "this new guy really likes to play" hall of fame.

There are two things that determine where someone would be on this list... total time played and time started. My point is that if you restrict the list to just 3 people, you are effectively limiting it to just the 3 people with the most time played who also started in the first month of F2P.

You're right.. It's a "Hall of Fame" so those people will be on top because of that built-in advantage. But maintaining a list of this 3 people with is kind of exclusive and a little boring.

besides that, you're asking someone to track a whole lot of people and its just a pia. i don't believe there's an effective automated search tool that lets you search the armory by achievement points and level. unless there is one, making a significant list that changes every week is asking a bit much.

this thread is a good example.

You are right, it would take some effort to maintain a list. But in a population of players who all spend many hours each week paying money to rack up points for free actions (all for epeen), you can't tell me that someone doesn't have 15 minutes a week to maintain a list of what... 20-30 players?

What your complaint tells me is that you think it's too much time for YOU, which is perfectly understandable. Fortunately, no one is asking you to do it :)

I'll build a list today and maintain it. What's the desired cutoff? 1500?
There are two things that determine where someone would be on this list... total time played and time started. My point is that if you restrict the list to just 3 people, you are effectively limiting it to just the 3 people with the most time played who also started in the first month of F2P.

You're right.. It's a "Hall of Fame" so those people will be on top because of that built-in advantage. But maintaining a list of this 3 people with is kind of exclusive and a little boring.

You are right, it would take some effort to maintain a list. But in a population of players who all spend many hours each week paying money to rack up points for free actions (all for epeen), you can't tell me that someone doesn't have 15 minutes a week to maintain a list of what... 20-30 players?

What your complaint tells me is that you think it's too much time for YOU, which is perfectly understandable. Fortunately, no one is asking you to do it :)

I'll build a list today and maintain it. What's the desired cutoff? 1500?
thanks. yeah, i'd say 1500 is a good number. it definitely says you've put some time into it.
If you'd like, I'd be happy to begin a sort of highscore list. We could add those already present in this thread and anyone who posts in the new thread; I could trawl through and update it biweekly to reflect new achievements.
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