Halfbreed of the Alliance

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Evocate said:
Remember all he cares about are kills to death ratio.. thats like me saying your mage sucks because you dont cap the flag or return or whatever. In most situations you dont have an opp to do either. Hunters, imo, shouldnt really be capping the flag that much.. returning yes.. but not capping. But then again hes not in it to win the WSG and I can respect that.

it was kinda made as a joke you know :rolleyes:
His k/d ratio would still be good even if he played the whole game and died , 4 times?. From what I see when he is up against a decent opposition or another good twink he afk's out. Bullcrap way to play imo but its up to him although I don't think his playstyle is an "achievment" its just him being famed for doing the opposite of what twinks see as a justified way to play (Gy farming ect.)


The thing is, as I already have said a long time ago, is that up against the BC twinks all we had to do is sneeze on him and he would topple over. Back then the best of the best were everywhere. He came in at the declining of twinking where most of the really good twinks, as well as BC twinks, had all but vanished. Just to prove a point, me and my buddy Savagearrow would literally destroy every noob who considered himself a twink. In the declining days of WSG (when xp shut off was introduced, the timer for WSG was added, and when most of the best twinks we ever played against stopped showing up) there was just no point of a challenge anymore. That is when Halfbreed got his achievement because every player he ever went up against was a total joke (no offense to the remaining BC twinks that still play SS). Hell I played a 19 druid who wasn't fully equipped and I could just prod someone and they would die. Since my post won't be worth much since I retired from twinking, he can claim his so called 'glory' for getting that achievement. To me and everyone in this post who already have said it, all he had to do was kill noobs to get that achievement. Back in BC he would hardly be able to move a single step let alone get that achievement.
I personally am not impressed with it one bit, I do not have much respect for those that have an extremely high win ratio. The most information that gives is that they are useless to a team and just leave a battleground when they find a team better then them. I don't find whats so impressive about achieving something when all you do is fight the players that are under-geared, and are trying to learn how to play in the bracket. It just seems to me that he is the type that likes to pick fights with the retarded kids at recess, but as soon as a team of equal or better skill faces him he runs and hides. Grats on your 100k I guess, but i think your method is distasteful.
I killed halfbreed a few times with friends and even in Pugs i remember leveling a rogue and being able to shit on her... Just takes a little organization from a few players to make him AFK.

I did not really notice Halfbreed until Later BC and wrath when i noticed him rolling with what 3 other hunters a priest and a rogue or something like that. With the guild Teen aqua strike halbreed something. As well as he exploited everything... had +55 stamina leg enchant +30 stamina to shoulders and +70 stamina from mining everything. And me and mah buddies would still make him AFK. (also he used fish feast and other buffs so it was fun killing him).

When Xp-off/ Xp-on was introduced all this person did was continue farming...

Btw i think halfbreed might be using the Xp-off macro.
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