[H] Vanilla Skies: Creating a new home for 60 twinks! Ragnaros eu.


My name is Ausra and Im currently in the works of creating a new *home* for like-minded 60 twinks to relax, meet new friends and enjoy old content with the same people who share the same interests. I have a number of years experience in the twinking field with a number of guilds in the past, But I think its about time a guild is formed thats nothing like the shambles that has been floating around with empty Guild chats and people there for perks. This game used to revolve around a close knitted community which brought people together and people from all over the world to tackle challenges together, not just In a random LFR or LFD. My vision is clear, To create a place were people can jump on to escape the Hustle and bustle of 90 end game content and a place to relax and enjoy the things we now take for granted and hardly ever see.. Enjoyment and satisfaction and hopefully meet new friends in the process.

Guilds ranks

Once joining Vanilla Skies, you will be initiated in too the *dawn* sector. Here you will act like a new recruit but still hold the ground as a active raider/pvper. A week later you will be promoted to Sunrise veteran, were the guild bank will be unlocked for your raiding/dungeon supplies. As well as professions that need to be increased. All free.

Once you have completed this, the officer rank will open at your choosing, called Lights shield. These act as over lookers for the guild.

This is by no means a strict lay out, but I think people need to see old fashioned type guilds still around, something new players rarely ever see, with macros to invite random players, grab some perks and leave without a hello or goodbye. My aim is to never use any kind of random invite system, and only invite the players interested and are keen to be apart of this new 60 twinking family. A new home to settle in to!

Guild bank

I currently have purchased two slots. The first being herbs and metals, were players can drop off items for other guildies to benefit from. Players will be recognized for this and help show me their willingness to help others. Something we also lost with these random guilds.
The second tab is consumables, for the hungry people! *Looks at fridge* WERE THE BACON AT?!

Player of the month:

This will be awarded to the most active, friendly player in the past 4 weeks who has surpassed all expectations and generally being an awesome person for the guilds image. This will reward them with gold from the gb, there choice in raid night/zone and the most credible rank for a week, The holy one.

My targets and future prospects.

I thought to myself why 60? Well for once its the one section of WoW most people seem t forget that started it all, with original lore and instances that took such a long time to oversee and complete effectively. WoW has changed over the years no question about that, but what stills draws me to its sparkle is nostalgia of how a great game used to be and how in some respects its changed, and not for the best. I'm hoping to spark your interests in this, and share the old memories I once enjoyed and once look back on! Create a home for you all, as well as a place to relax after the raiding on the mains.

Eventually I want to raid, I have lead MC/BWL and AQ before and would love to do it again!
I will also be creating PVP afternoons at the end of every month on a friday night. This will include duels and 2v2s in places like tarren mill, STV and the likes of classic zones we loved like tanaris! Dungeons groups will also be going to take on harder challenges like three man ubrs/lbrs! Gold prizes to the best!

As you can see the guild has just be created sitting at level 1 with myself in the guild and two already recruited players, with two bank tabs, tabard and the such, but its in the works and I'm going to work hard to create a community alot of people seem to miss! So if you see myself in Trade chat or any /1, please dont hesitate to ask me about the guild! I have the information set in stone now, the tabs in the works and stocking up as much as I can!

NEWS! We now have Team speak 3! Thanks to our new member who created this for us we now can communicate throughout our journeys!

If you're interested, send me your Battletag in a inbox or as a reply to this post and we can arrange a conversation! <3

May Vanilla skies be the bright future for the 60 twinks.
Enjoy your day/evening.

Ausra, the light of dawn.
Ragnaros EU. <3
Great initiative, would love to see a horde guild at 60, organize some PvP events and all that ^^
I could be interessted in the PvP part of 60s :)

edit: i think there is quite some 60s guilds already tho
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Well we're slowly building up the right community for it, with pvp duels and 2v2s organised at the end of every month, just need the players with the same mind set.
Vanilla.. okay, ppl will become tired in a week more or less.. ive tried to start alot of projects and got alot of ppl to play for the first days, but just right after they are hanging around on their mains again. JUst leave the twink bracket.

Twinks is something you call a character that is Wrecked, the best u can statwise etcetra, i dont know what u want from the "vanilla gear" do u wanna feel the old feelings when u wear tier 2 from blackwing lair ? just get urself the best u can get, and get in touch with other leaders and get warsong gulch wargames to get going. Make arena tournaments and much more.

Trying to make a guild to clear old vanilla content will be fun for 1 week, then u have to find out something more interesting. Ive tried blackwing lair with 8 players as minimum, and by that point valestrasz was the only boss we had to fight for 25 min to kill, everyone had to push those extra dps and every single player was needed to make the dps ! but then the rest of the instance is pisseasy, its like tank and spank all the way to nefarian, even tho u 5 man it, it wont make it much harder except valestrasz
If u want to revive the bracket, then check around before u create a guild on a unknown server there no other twinks exist, cause ppl wont migrate to ur realm to start something, everyone is shattered and hard to get ppl to listen. Ive tried to get so many raids going on and wake ppl up for borness, but i get nothing back, no1 wants to play anymore so i CBA try to gather.

So many ppl having big mouths here, but where is everyone ? give me ur damn names and post me on what server ur are located so we could gather up every fucking single player out there. IF u find that we could start something, i cba look for ppl.
Always been, rofl, we did blackwing lair with 10 man last week, i did even post here to see if there was some lonly guy who wanted to join us, ahn´qiraj is located with alot of twinks, only harmode, back to sixties, there was a guild called psychosis too. Those are the guilds thats still alive, and when hardmode are doing activitys we use to invite random ppl from other realms... and those are the ones thats doing nothing atm, i cant really get them on anymore. But there is horde guilds
i mean, why is no1 coming up with any cleaver ideas ? i mean... just join as 5 man on each side for open wsg, go get the flag and put the FC in safe, and now lets farm eachother for 19 min before we leave, this will make the levlers leave the fucking bgs, and we could get some activity going on to start with.
if som1 would like to take some initiative to start something, ive always been the guy who looking for ppl on all kind of servers, i was logging in like last week to go trough all EU server on both ally and horde side to find all 60s who was online, i found total 2 ppl from 15 servers, i had no time to go trough all. That might sound stupid in ur eyes but for me its something i do to get something happen. Start do something with me and we might do it a bit faster than me being alone.
Some "playing" 60s not just for pvp with current state of game. I mean even if cataclysm ruined the game for many low levels once and MoP become even more gamebraking. So its not because ppl are lazy, its because the game at, lets say 60, become more stupid. And thats why not many ppl are interested.

You can try hard, but you cant attract many sane ppl into this for long time, most of them will leave anyway and pvping with current state wont help them to keep interest. All that can help is the love for "classic things" and the gear is a big part of it. You are using gem gear - ok, its your choice. But i'v seen many good players in classic gear in Cata. Its just a matter of personal preferences.

p.s. Edit: typos
Been there, done that, nothing will change the state of 60s.
I still log from time to time, but every single hardcore 60 player I know moved to another bracket and it's safe to say that bracket is dead forever, regardless of how sad it is.
I am in the middle of trying to create a community, but you seem pretty set on things not working out, You would not seem like the sort of member I'm looking for. Good luck in travels.
I am in the middle of trying to create a community, but you seem pretty set on things not working out, You would not seem like the sort of member I'm looking for. Good luck in travels.
I seem like a player that has been in this bracket for the last 4 years, I've seen ups and downs of this shit, but it never been like this, every guild that used to be here is dead as f, call me an oldfag, but you're just a newcomer that doesn't know anything about the bracket
My favorite part of this thread is Busgaga posting 6 times inside 20 mins, haha.

I am on a server with very few, if any, level 60 twinks on Arathor EU. I have a 60 Paladin and DK and I am slowly starting to do a 60 Shaman as well on Horde side. I am not interested in changing servers, but I am happy to join for any PvE raids or runs for fun on them. Possibly even for PvP too, if someone is organising it.

Inbox me for my Real ID if needed.


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