[H] Heralds of Yore - lvl 60 twink guild pvp/pve

<Heralds of Yore> is back!

The original Classic guild Heralds of Yore is being resurrected! We are once again recruiting! For a new and more exciting type of Classic Raiding!

We are currently in the process of clearing Zul'Gurub (5man) and AQ20 (10man). With the updates to overall DPS/HPS/Avoidance since the release of Burning Crusade/WotLK, our new goal as a guild is to not limit the gear or enchantments but rather the amount of players, adding a new type of difficulty to the encounters. Allowing players to maximize their characters stats yet still have fun and challenging encounters from Classic WoW. With most of the current players being returning players from previous raiding we have already cleared 5man Zul'Gurub and 10man AQ20. We have yet to attempt Molten Core (10 man), but I suspect we are going to in the near future. We are currently looking for some more members to fill up our ranks so we may venture into Blackwing Lair (15 man) and AQ40 (20 man) once again.

We encourage you to roll the class you enjoy playing, how ever I will say we have a excess amount of Warriors and Rogues.

No raid times currently set, it's usually based upon when the group is willing to go, usually in the evening.

PvP is an essential part of the guild. With AVs returning so is HoY, and HoY PvP... Mostly every evening we PvP as a guild, AV, WSG and AB, destroying lvls 51-69.

Apply at: Heralds of Yore of Smolderthorn

Videos: YouTube - SlickzHoY's Channel

*Re-rolls are always welcome, however we do not guarantee that if you choose to re-roll, you will get a raid spot. We encourage transfers of already geared players rather than people who are starting from scratch only because we will NOT run raids just to gear people up. If you are willing to re-roll and grind out gear on your OWN (such as HWL gear), so that your DPS can be at least on par with ours, that is fine. Basically, we are not taking a 60 in greens to a raid such as 20man aq40.
HoY was a great inspiration for <DIRTY> and other 60s guilds but you all have quit and restarted so many times you have lost your stabilty in my eyes but wish you the best of luck :)

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