(H) 15 Man AB Premade Signup Sheet - Sunday 27th @4:30PM AP.


Starting a Signup Sheet for those who wish to do a 15 man AB Premade 30 minutes after the Fishing Tournament.

Here's the list of requirements:

  • 1,000+ Health
  • Not exceeding 4 of the same classes
  • Reserving slots to those who are Top of the line BiS geared.
  • Must have Vent(you don't need a mic though)
  • Must be a F2P or a P2P with F2P Restrictions
  • The ability to resist fighting on roads
  • Reserving all slots to Healers Until we have 6.

Anyone who gets bumped off the list due to the 3rd Requirement will be put on the Sub-List. If anyone decides they can't make it then they will be put on the list to replace them.

Post here with your armory and I'll add you to the list.

Currently on the List:

Çer - Balance Druid

Peaktwink - Feral Druid

Emoclown - Subtlety Rogue

Biggie - Beast Mastery Hunter

Felïx - Beast Mastery Hunter

Hottacos - Survival Hunter

Acéßull - Survival Hunter

Perish - Fury Warrior

Cotus - Arcane Mage

Javarules - Holy Paladin

Goldendays - Holy Paladin

Gato - Restoration Druid

Rettreatt - Discipline Priest

Ginallz - Restoration Shaman

Radau - Restoration Shaman


Starup - Feral Druid

Káblol - Fury Warrior

Carterll - Retribution Paladin
if for any reason you have space left mssg me or ill mssg so we can do a "queue on the same time attempt"

different server btw
Full on Hunters but reserving slots to other hunters who are better geared.
We have room for 1 more DPS, still need 4 more healers. Reserving slots to people who are better geared.

IE: If ur toon is BiS top of the line geared, then you will replace the least geared person on the list.

EDIT: Reserving the last DPS spot for someone specific until i find out if they can/cannot come.
We have room for 1 more Healer, Reserving 2 slots for Deadvulcano and Decem until I find out if they can come

All slots are full, anyone who wants to come needs to better geared if u want a spot. Otherwise you can asked to be on the sub list if anyone decides to step out.

Reserving slots to:



We have room for 1 more Healer, Reserving 2 slots for Deadvulcano and Decem until I find out if they can come

All slots are full, anyone who wants to come needs to better geared if u want a spot. Otherwise you can asked to be on the sub list if anyone decides to step out.

Reserving slots to:




I saw the topic and thought, "Sure I'll come if I'm on."

Guess I don't really have a choice now. Slave heals
Damn straight.

Carry my ass to bloodthirsty.
Radau ur on the list now.
I have 522 HP, close enough?

I'd invite u but ur ally ):
I really don't think you're going to find a better hunter and I'd be happy to duel them to prove otherwise - but if you really must have a hunter with 1k hp+ I can come on my BiS ret (minus BoA Weapon/Chest) or my resto shaman.
What am i on the list? What does subgroup even mean?
I usually roll 3-4 Healers in a 10 man, makes sense to add 2 extra healers with 15 ppl.

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