
Good afternoon ladies Keknurd here,
I made my promises about not visiting TI anymore but informations about this thread made me come here once again.

Can we all forget about the hypocrisy we all have deep inside our hearts?
Because honestly,everyone and their mothers have a backup fotm characters when they are on their period.
(why did i mention this? see below)

I would deeply like to apologize for my brewmaster tauren partner,she likes to midfight and throw kegs around, and i honestly cant stop that.

Im sorry to say this, but i unfortunately dont stroke my peen like majority does.
Not like there is somewhat skill required around anyway.

In fact,
I honestly feel bad for throwing kegs at people.
And it even hurts more when i throw them at my friends or my precious baelove.

You got me at your comment where you said we afked for 13 mins in flagroom.
I tend to push my teammates to cap flags as soon as possible to end your suffering.
Dont forget it was your druid who kept delaying the game for those 13 minutes

I hope satan will have mercy on my forsaken soul i gave away
But fear not my comrades, i have righted the things i wronged.
I played my clothie and got ripped by 5 feral teams.
Not to mention my liver is gone from the salt.


Stop getting bothered about GYfarming,it was always there, it is there and it will be.
I atleast dont take the flag to your gy and sit there for 15 mins like it was in MoP.

Im not saying its fair or decent. But honestly murdering people within one stunlock , since person X plays a flavor?
What difference is there from killing them at gy or 20 steps from it?

And you know,its not like our precious dying bracket is a fair place anyway!
Get it?


/edit : why do i play bm?
as phonebook above said , fight fire with fire
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apparently u r illiterate. op doesnt mind gy farming or containing, they have a problem with getting farmed by mongoloid classes

Yes i am slightly illiterate because thats what majority of the posts here made me anyway.
I just briefly skipped through posts.

If you'd take a brief look at the bracket and look at your and enemy teams.
You'd see everyone plays those classess anyway.
Majority of the bgs consists of huntards,ferals,monks.
Rest is p2ps because enchants simply make even a biggest shit viable nowadays.

Lots of love,
I've been in pretty much all bgs today and atleast all the ones i've been in i havn't seen any GY farming.
Been a lot of containing while running flags, but not one time have people been not running flags while holding alliance in GY.

Also i don't play a lot anymore, but pretty much all b7gs i'm in alliance roll 4+ nelf ferals. Last one they had 7 druids

WoD gyfarm style has become different than MoP now. I'm surprised you havent noticed. It starts with middle wipe then moves to enemy team gy while someone takes flag and runs. The rest of your team would kill as much as possible in 3 flag capture times. The majority of players are trying to get another pop by finishing the ongoing match. So they cap.
it doesnt matter if you say you play objectively when you simply overpower your match. If not you, someone in your team would be at gy farming the spawners, granted. Nobody is doing the old MoP crap these days.
And again, my point is - just dont defend your acts of farming just because you are capping the third flag and not holding it longer :D

Note: I know I am just a random person to quote you so feel free to ignore me.
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I thought it was supposedly a "payback" attempt to me. Hoped you would bring 10 people premade. And your friend's /spit macro too op :D

Im afraid i returned only to play with my friend since she asked to play as she re-subbed.
for a payback i could have just brought my warlock anyway

im sad that your logic became like this just in two weeks
surely an interesting change in your mindset
Im afraid i returned only to play with my friend since she asked to play as she re-subbed.
for a payback i could have just brought my warlock anyway

im sad that your logic became like this just in two weeks
surely an interesting change in your mindset

Just messing :( cmooon im happy you returned for whatever reason.
Play whatever you like. :)
Im afraid i returned only to play with my friend since she asked to play as she re-subbed.
for a payback i could have just brought my warlock anyway

im sad that your logic became like this just in two weeks
surely an interesting change in your mindset

Why does she play a brewmaster monk? If she is good enough to spit on people then play a class that takes a bit of brain instead of being a badpeddleing bm monk spamming kegsmash....
Can everyone just please fucking stop pointing fingers? This bracket is shit already and if you aint playing for the community / friends you have made along the road I do not know why you are playing this bracket. Yes people play BM monks / Ferals as never before! in the 20-24 bracket the majority played stupid mages for shatters or hunters. The only fucking change is we now have 2x Melee classes on board being the new FOTMs. This bracket including most of the other low level brackets is a stupid choice if you came for balance. As it has never, and probably never will be, blizzards main priority to focus on balancing lower level brackets. So if you simply cant live with stupid "keksmashers" or insane bites I doubt this bracket is anything for you. That being said, yes I do hate it and yes I do hope to see more balance one day, but as it seems that BMs AND ferals are both getting a buff next patch regarding FB and Guard I aint expecting any light at the end of the tunnel anytime soon. So I advice you all to just stop whine and play what you want, even if thats BM or Feral as you simply cant live by playing what you actually find fun to play as it isnt OP.
I, my self, went from playing warlock fthrough most of the 20-24 bracket to be playing a boomkin in the 20-29 bracket so I am not trying to say I am any better than you guys at this point. But once again, please just play what you actually want to play, and it will only be a huge plus if it aint a feral or a BM.

Anyways that was my two cents, see you all in your graveyards.
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At least you can kill a feral Druid but you can't kill a BM monk coz of their retarded guard, if they didn't have guard and hit the same amount I really wouldn't care. But guard just annoys me.
On another topic.
Somalian pirate crew
Quack is coming for you
Aka Marley
CY@ at your GY
people played mage at 24?
people played mage at 24?

Hunter, sprick doesnt matter, as my point is there will always be somethign that's fotm and as that wont change anytime soon, people have two decisions, live with it or move on.

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