GY Farming.

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Beating a dead horse here, I know. Is there any possibility at all that people will start to move back to the old ways of respectable non-gy farming games? I remember when GY farming would get you kicked out of your guild.

Currently being GY farmed by Pizza, Kancer, and a bunch of other BH horde tinks.


/end rant
Their's no point in posting this here. It's gonna get deleted or locked fast. WT rules this forum with a ironfist.
Community Leader who GY farms is not a community leader and deserves no respect in my eyes, and I'm sure the vast majority of eu twinks agree. Not sure why anyone defends those twinks and says they are good tbh.
no one in the US likes them either tbh, just no one cares enough anymore to do anything about it.
Setting out to destroy what they enjoy. WT #1.
Community Leader who GY farms is not a community leader and deserves no respect in my eyes, and I'm sure the vast majority of eu twinks agree. Not sure why anyone defends those twinks and says they are good tbh.

Whether or not they are skilled is besides the point. They are merely organized better than anyone else. I do not support this, but the bracket is being lead by Pizza. Whether or not that is in a way beneficial to the bracket as a whole is up for your own interpretation. Personally I do not support these actions as they damage queue times severely, not only on a given night, but this also has a terrible long-term effect on the likelihood of an alliance member to queue and to continue queuing.

no one in the US likes them either tbh, just no one cares enough anymore to do anything about it.

Good to know that they aren't being bumlicked in bgs like I have assumed

Whether or not they are skilled is besides the point. They are merely organized better than anyone else. I do not support this, but the bracket is being lead by Pizza. Whether or not that is in a way beneficial to the bracket as a whole is up for your own interpretation. Personally I do not support these actions as they damage queue times severely, not only on a given night, but this also has a terrible long-term effect on the likelihood of an alliance member to queue and to continue queuing.


Fair point, I wasn't questioning any of their skills though. What I meant by "good" was the impression I have got from browsing these forums (which I know will be a bit ill informed considering it's forums & TI) that these players are contributing positively and greatly to the bracket, yet oftentimes people crop up and show that they are really just GY Farmers with HKs on the brain. These individuals are then usually banned or just quit wow & TI.
I'm glad that this problem doesnt really exist on the eu servers. Sure we have a couple of french guilds who try to GY Farm, but 90% of the time they aren't successful and it's just laughable for those of us who are getting on by trying to have fun & competetive games.
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I dont undestand why anyone can get themselfs to GY farm in a twink BG..
Not that i havnt done it..
But i' sure as hell wont do it anymore...

Farming in XP-on bg's on the other hand..
Farming in XP-on bg's on the other hand..

Fully support farming in XP-on, the "farm or be farmed" attitude still thrives there and honestly if I'm doing a bg while levelling, I don't intend to play for 27 mins to often get about as much xp as one quest, I intend to get BG achies and HKs before I get to the awful bracket that is end-game pvp.
Fully support farming in XP-on, the "farm or be farmed" attitude still thrives there and honestly if I'm doing a bg while levelling, I don't intend to play for 27 mins to often get about as much xp as one quest, I intend to get BG achies and HKs before I get to the awful bracket that is end-game pvp.

Exactly .. And its a great way to avoid boredom at lvl 10 :p
The US-Bracket is beeing lead by a gy farmer who is damaging queue times. Poor US-Community

You keep talking and insulting Pizza like this. Don't think him and the rest of WT can't go on EU accounts and do the same. Be thankful they have not thought of conquering the world in this way yet.
Lol @ you if this is serious....
1. Keep insulting? I said he is a gy farmer, what is proved by tons of threads/pics.
2. I dont give a shit if they would come EU. Sure we dont need gy farmers, but please stop talking like you would love to s*** WTs di****ck. It really sounds like you would....
And i doubt that he would be any kind of leader in EU with this gy farm attitude....And thats what i pointed out, poor US cause someone like him is community leader...
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