GY Farming/Containment explanation.

As long as you're playing with the goal to cap flags as fast as you can, then you can position yourself and play however you choose. My guild for one goes into every game with the goal to 3 cap as fast we possible. Ideally we have an FC running flags, a Hunter and Rogue returning flags, and everyone else containing the enemy team as we cap the flags.

Nonetheless, none of this will matter next patch when the GYs have a wall around them. If players on the enemy team don't want to "get camped" or whatever, they can stay behind the walls where they can't be attacked and be "contained" in that cage.

Lol. Okay. Your team deliberatly camps gys and doesnt blink an eye.

Yet you throw a fit when you get gy camped and afk out. Hypocrit much?
Lol the guys who farm on 29s.... I don't think they have a twinkinfo account to read this . Nice post btw
I've been surprised how good some games have been on 19s and I haven't had any real GY farms so far. I don't like the half GY farms if u can call them that.

We got a FC with flag somewhere in ebase waiting for some assistance and the enemy teams choose not to send any1 to kill him but instead sorround our gy and wait with flag and if we move they come and kill us. Luckily we had some rogues to escape and oneshot the efc and the fc could run and cap but meh guys, please try to kill the fc at least? Move 1-2 guys from the gy wall and just try? Looks so bad when you just wait for the fc to surrender pretty much since the whole team is stuck at gy but as I said, have been some good games. Glad to see some old faces again, keep it up. :)

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