Gurubashi arena

If you show up frequently, eventually a nice 90 will notice you then help you. That's what happened to me on AP.
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The easiest way to get it is by playing on a less populated twink server (why I didnt make my twink on AP):

With that being said you still have 2 options...

1st: Still try and go fro it, but make friends doing it...

Since you are there with no level 90 help, odds are there are other f2p twinks there without 90 help, so help them out to. Do a coin flip for the chest, when I was getting mine there ended up being a p2p twink, and 3 f2p twinks in my group helping each other, we would /roll for it, and that helps.

2nd: Accept that you arent going to get it and move onto other trinkets, Arena Grand Master my not even be bis if you are a damage class, just get Swift Hand of Justice, hDiscerning Eye of the Beast, Inherited insignia's, or even just get the basic pvp trinkets.
naw dont bother

the rune is buffed anyway 10 hit is alot level 50 gear does not even have 10 hit on it
says the person with a prot pally,ok

That actually might not be a reroll, for example I personally have my prot pall since 01.06.2012 (children's day :D) and I am playing it from that time. I have no other 20 trial char, and I won't have one.

Also I'm happy that the thread name was changed to something normal.
Yesterday while I was doing a Guru Check at 21h, there was NOBODY there and i was super happy making my way to loot the chest. While i was on the half of the loot process i got one shotted by a 90 mage from ColinasPardas realm....................... Imagine how fucking mad i was.......... Not only that spanish realms infested our bgs with 24s, they are even CRZed with us -_-
says the person with a prot pally,ok

Pot meets kettle. A rogue, a Resto Druid and a Prot Paladin in sig.....Oh well atleast i got AGM in MoP, so i can't really be bothered with the likes of you.

Just spent your time for more battlegrounds and grind honor.

After 5.2 is released buy the new resilence trinket and let gurubashi become a white area on your map again.


12 Stam extra 100% of the time is nice on certain classes.
Yes, maybe that extra stam may help you but you are forgetting that that resilience raises you effective health by more than 120 health plus you get a 2 min CD. Only time will tell if the new trinket will be better.
Yes, maybe that extra stam may help you but you are forgetting that that resilience raises you effective health by more than 120 health plus you get a 2 min CD. Only time will tell if the new trinket will be better.
2min CD?
12 Stam extra 100% of the time is nice on certain classes.

Yes, maybe that extra stam may help you but you are forgetting that that resilience raises you effective health by more than 120 health plus you get a 2 min CD. Only time will tell if the new trinket will be better.

+ we dont play instagib. Resilence is much more efficient for being healed than pure stam. As you loose less life with resi you also need less healing to become full heath.

Dont know if it is 2 min CD. But even with the same CD than AGM i would always prefer the new trinket.

Cheers Gattuso

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