Guardians and 70 Medallion removed!

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2014, 2015, & 2018 TC Champ
You can no longer purchase Guardian gear and the 70 Medallion. No point in making 70 twinks anymore.
yeap, sorta like they did at WotLK start, wiped all the S2 gear at vendors and yet again all the 60 gear is there.


guardian gear

PVP stat trinkets

Insignia of A or H

i just bought 7 pieces of S4 gear, went to SW and ORG to see blizz has crapped on us again, going back to tanaris to return them. looks like my 70 paladin will stay as is and become a bank alt.

had this problem years ago, blizzard put back NPC and locked the thread, fact all Customer service posting is locked now and restricted

i did a GM ticket to let them know that lieutenant rachel vaccar is missing....will have to wait 2 days for a response
not like the offsets are even b.i.s, ever heard of 4pc t6 4 pc brut? anyway, they said they would reintroduce s3 into the game in this patch, i have yet to find it
Kruul said:
not like the offsets are even b.i.s, ever heard of 4pc t6 4 pc brut? anyway, they said they would reintroduce s3 into the game in this patch, i have yet to find it

Yes, but the insignia is a must!
blueisbetterthanyou said:

stayed up last night to buy everything before the patch and got it all... lucky me.

lol I was going to get the trinket before servers went down , but I decided "Meh, I'll just get it tomorrow." and now I cant get the trinket QQ :p
please post in this thread some comments:

Guardian PVP lvl 70 gear. - Forums - World of Warcraft

also remember they may not be the total BiS when it comes to gear, many of us have no 70 twink guilds on our servers, and many players may stop BGing and playing that don't have or can get the gear you do.
Pizza said:
You can no longer purchase Guardian gear and the 70 Medallion. No point in making 70 twinks anymore.

woah woah woah, thats a bit over the top dont you think? Theres always alternatives but i really hope they can fix this fast xD
shanker said:
please post in this thread some comments:

Guardian PVP lvl 70 gear. - Forums - World of Warcraft

also remember they may not be the total BiS when it comes to gear, many of us have no 70 twink guilds on our servers, and many players may stop BGing and playing that don't have or can get the gear you do.

someone in the link said that this happened back in 2008 too, it was a bug that got fixed. i dont really know if its gunna be fixed this time :(
cyoung said:
woah woah woah, thats a bit over the top dont you think? Theres always alternatives but i really hope they can fix this fast xD

No, it's not. When you have to use a 5 minute trinket when other players have a 2 minute trinket? You really think that's fair at all?
Pizza said:
No, it's not. When you have to use a 5 minute trinket when other players have a 2 minute trinket? You really think that's fair at all?

Yeah, i got my trinket like week ago, lucky ;)
never got mine, ah well

not a huge deal. only matters if your arena lasts 5+ mins for the other teams to potentially reset. in BGs it's not that big a deal
Falkor said:
never got mine, ah well

not a huge deal. only matters if your arena lasts 5+ mins for the other teams to potentially reset. in BGs it's not that big a deal

It's the difference between being Sheeped and your FC dieing or not being Sheeped and your FC living.
thats gross
did a GM ticket....for what it's worth reply said developers are aware of the issue and are working on it, basicly also said it would have to be done on next patch-maintenance day.
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