GSC on faerlina btw

Always reminds me of the GFC and how my countries labor gov (centre left, pro union) gov of the day left us one of few if any nations completely unscathed by it, then we voted them out for climate deniars who said mobile broadband is better, replaced the rollout plan of fibre to the premises nationwide with spaghetti to the eyesore on the street,or the street three over then reduce the min speed required before you can do more then develop anger tumors to 25Mbps, 10 years later and 1.3 % of premises dont achieve even this. the term 'node lottery' becomes common in usage for any planned change of address. They also invented this amazing new stuff called 'clean coal'...which is not at all the same as that old stuff, otherwise why would we call it clean. Somehow they continually convince an increasingly more uneducated working class - lower middle class voting bloc to vote for them by continuously yelling 'those other guys spend to much and are crap at economies' while having eight consecutive years of budget deficits ie 'debt' which is fine tbh but weakens your 'better economic managers' claims turns out that a shit ton of dino juice and other shit under you makes for an autopilot economiy. The most impressive result though somehow convincing poor people that ideas like collective bargaining and unionising are against their interests, because you know, that 5 day week 8 hour day wouldhave happened naturally and didnt cost lives to achieve, while simultaneousaly reducing or removing work conditions and long standing fundamental norms like penalty rates on weekends, converting a national workingforce from fulltime secure positions with entitlments to casual workers with reduced rights and little to no longterm certainty, because thats how you grow economies, pay people less and reduce financial security......home ownership is almost mythical in status for many urban centres lest you sacrifice yourself for a decade working 12 hour shifts in a coal mine (its clean now) and see your loved ones every couple of weeks. and people just continuously support them, the same people all these policies have shat on.....and they get more and more ignorant which makes them more and more vulnerable to 'fear' so most election issues are focused on fear, poll choices being made on topics that have no influence on anyone in reality, mythical floods of non existent bad willed refugees who are faking it, opening the worlds only new coal mines in a market where energy giants are selling then off whenever they can, little to no support for renewables in a market waiting to burst with potential, one of them, a bloke that got his secretary pregnant and had his daughters driving through town during the election with a megaphone announcing it to everyone when they found out (longterm leader of the smaller more redneck part of the coalition) during the election and STILL GOT ELECTECTED...anyway that moron even said 'wind turbines are ugly'.....its black adder level satire irl atm. Coal mines arent ugly though?

its impressive and sad as fuck

also dudes are getting way 'dumber' ....women university enrollments have gone from 20% in 1949 to growing massively to 56% currently, which is an obvious great thing but a massive shift in the social fabric occuring with males less and less likely to pursue bachelor level tertiary education.....cept engineering whose impressive 85% male student population is as old boys club as you can be.......not saying any of that is good or bad but your kids households are gonna be overwhelmingly funded by female breadwinners, which is interesting and dudes that lift and dig shit. push and pull etc (for good reason, security higher workforce entry take homes............

never drunken xmas party forum post
im not readin that
As a Christian, a Conservative and a Republican in that order, I condemn these disgusting actions of people pretending to be in <Gurubashi Surf Club>, the fact Mr.Resto named his guild this, is sad, disgusting and I think he owes GSC, GSC TC Champs, Daks and Daniel Blue a written apology.


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You wanna know what's more important than throwin' away money at a strip club? Credit.
You ever wonder why Jewish people own all the property in America? This how they did it.
As a Christian, a Conservative and a Republican in that order, I condemn these disgusting actions of people pretending to be in <Gurubashi Surf Club>, the fact Mr.Resto named his guild this, is sad, disgusting and I think he owes GSC, GSC TC Champs, Daks and Daniel Blue a written apology.
nahh .. really don't care enough for that

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