Great post that sums up the 19 bracket...

19s are great right now. People who are QQing just can't handle the competition or are stuck in a battlegroup other than Ruin.
Pizza said:
19s are great right now. People who are QQing just can't handle the competition or are stuck in a battlegroup other than Ruin.

How would you know about handling competition, you afk out of games you are losing in. Pot meet kettle you stupid fuck.
Admin said:
How would you know about handling competition, you afk out of games you are losing in. Pot meet kettle you stupid fuck.

ahhhhhhhhhhh snap
Admin said:
How would you know about handling competition, you afk out of games you are losing in. Pot meet kettle you stupid fuck.

Premades > Pugs
Stay off of ruin forums and I don't think you will feel this way, games are fun and competetive, don't bash the bracket just cause you get trolled. Yeah jumps are annoying as hell, but if people communicated more to set traps instead of mindlessly chasing the FC then even people who are bad at jumps can be effective. The ruin vent is there for a reason, use it.

Lastly, I will agree that we should be more welcoming and accomidating of new players, no new blood = dead bracket so spread some love around.
There are a few things I would like to say. For one I understand there are assholes as there will be in any game in the 19 twink bracket. There are people who think they are amazing, and some are *cough*pizza*cough*cough* but in the end there are people who are just as good as them and not as well known because they are not complete douchebags. But in the end that is what we get and we have to deal with it. Drayner you have helped twinking in all brackets immensely but you all have to under stand that bad mouthing the bracket wont help it at all. Sure some of things said are true but 40 min wait times? I think not. If we want new twinks to help make this bracket better we have to realize that while we know that most things said here are exaggerations or the stretched truth not every one is going to know that and if it continues the bracket will most likely die. And say all the bad things you want, no one wants this bracket to die.
I really don't see a point in twinking period anymore. Many people are new to WoW everyday, and it almost feels like twinking has become a bandwagon type thing. Everyday more and more people fail to see the reason twinking was created. Twinking was done in PreBC, and BC for one sole purpose, to dominate the battleground. If you twinked, you would destroy all of the people who joined the battleground who hadn't paid obscene amounts of gold (which is was back then) to be good in a battleground, and most of the people that joined Warsong Gulch back then were people bored of leveling. Twinking wasn't hey, lets see who has the most hunters/shamans and go fight other 19's and then afk out if we're losing because our win percentage means soooo muchh, it was lets go "pwn noobs" and have a blast doing so. That's the real version of twinking i've come to miss. Either ways, twinking in my eyes has been dead since XP off Battlegrounds begun, because really, what are you doing that's so amazing? Pressing your 3 button rotation against other players who have a little extra health and BoA's? In my opinion, twinking is no longer fun for me, and it's much more worth it to pvp at 80. Faster queues, more gear opportunities, Smarter, less ignorant people, more battlegrounds, and overall a better time.

I'd just like to add, i'm not attacking anyone for those who are offended, i'm just trying to state my opinion. Don't get me wrong, twinking can be fun at times when your battleground is full of cool people, a balanced team, and a mature enviroment, but I only see that type of match once in a blue moon making it not worth the time it consumes for me.
It's a fallacy to state that BGs at 80 have more mature/competent players. That's just plain wrong, the only people that badmouth the bracket are either people who care what ruin forums talk about or people in failing brackets claiming the grass is greener on their side. I prefer the limitations of the 19 bracket to the world of rock, paper, scissors that is level 80. There are very few hard counters at 19 whereas that is what 80 is based around. Player skill -terrain usage, optimizing the use of the few abilities you have - plays a much bigger role in 19 BGs than 80 BGs. Stay off forums and out of arenas if you want to actually have fun.
Rivfader said:
It's a fallacy to state that BGs at 80 have more mature/competent players. That's just plain wrong, the only people that badmouth the bracket are either people who care what ruin forums talk about or people in failing brackets claiming the grass is greener on their side. I prefer the limitations of the 19 bracket to the world of rock, paper, scissors that is level 80. There are very few hard counters at 19 whereas that is what 80 is based around. Player skill -terrain usage, optimizing the use of the few abilities you have - plays a much bigger role in 19 BGs than 80 BGs. Stay off forums and out of arenas if you want to actually have fun.

If this is directed at me....

a) I never said 80s are good. 80 PVP is a joke. Pug BGs are worse than 19s, 29s, 39s, etc... I just have had a great time doing PVE content that I have never done. That's all.

b) I have never failed at the 19 bracket. I don't suck, I am not a liability on any team, pug or premade. Those that say I suck, well... they don't know what the fuck they are talking about (or they are trolling). I've never claimed to be "good" or even better than anyone individually. I am better than a lot in the fact that when I am in a WSG PUG or Premade, I give 100% and I don't play my class bad. If I am mediocre as "real" once told someone (even though he'd never seen me play a lock), mediocre + will to win + field awareness > the best with no fucking clue how to play as a team. Period.

If the comment was not directed at me, oh well.

For those saying that I am hurting the bracket by bad mouthing. No, I am not hurting the bracket. The only people that read the qqing I do are people that already know enough about me and the bracket to know I once loved the bracket and used to do all I can to make it better. I've given up on that now.
Kaiyliss said:
I really don't see a point in twinking period anymore. Many people are new to WoW everyday, and it almost feels like twinking has become a bandwagon type thing. Everyday more and more people fail to see the reason twinking was created. Twinking was done in PreBC, and BC for one sole purpose, to dominate the battleground. If you twinked, you would destroy all of the people who joined the battleground who hadn't paid obscene amounts of gold (which is was back then) to be good in a battleground, and most of the people that joined Warsong Gulch back then were people bored of leveling. Twinking wasn't hey, lets see who has the most hunters/shamans and go fight other 19's and then afk out if we're losing because our win percentage means soooo muchh, it was lets go "pwn noobs" and have a blast doing so. That's the real version of twinking i've come to miss. Either ways, twinking in my eyes has been dead since XP off Battlegrounds begun, because really, what are you doing that's so amazing? Pressing your 3 button rotation against other players who have a little extra health and BoA's? In my opinion, twinking is no longer fun for me, and it's much more worth it to pvp at 80. Faster queues, more gear opportunities, Smarter, less ignorant people, more battlegrounds, and overall a better time.

I'd just like to add, i'm not attacking anyone for those who are offended, i'm just trying to state my opinion. Don't get me wrong, twinking can be fun at times when your battleground is full of cool people, a balanced team, and a mature enviroment, but I only see that type of match once in a blue moon making it not worth the time it consumes for me.

Dominating newbies shouldn't be/was never fun. WORKING TOGETHER with them was fun; helping and carrying them was the reason many people started twinking, for that god like feeling. Then people slowly realised "Hurrdurr i can 1shot dis guy".

The rare "wow!" occations really kept me twinking, like seeing a 4.3k buffed Druid practically walk through our team like it was nothing. Twinking slowly got more and more serious + popular; mainly for the wrong reasons. People got better and standards rose, deal with it.
Stay off forums and out of arenas if you want to actually have fun.

I've always stayed out of the arenas. I never saw any reason to arena. The forums have made their way into pugging. I am not going to repost my last month of complaints I put on about 19 WSG pugs, but it's a hell of a lot more than just kids running their mouths in WSG. The OP's post pretty much covers most of it anyhow. I am not trying to "hurt" twinking, that's not the goal. What I am doing is what I have always done... shared my opinions. If you like them, fine... if you don't, fine. All I know is ruins pugs in my experience over the last couple months are a cesspool of bad play, mid field idiots, and horde turtles. When the queue times slowed over the last month, 10-15 minute waits at 11pm CST just to get into a game where you have 600 hp rogues stopping in for more marks, a horde team with 6 hunters, a mage, and the rest druids made me say, "fuck this shit" and log. These are my experiences and they affect what I feel, I share my feelings. If your experiences are different, congrats.
Dominating newbies shouldn't be/was never fun. WORKING TOGETHER with them was fun; helping and carrying them was the reason many people started twinking, for that god like feeling. Then people slowly realised "Hurrdurr i can 1shot dis guy".

QFT... I know some that got off on this, but that wasn't fun.

The 1st few months of twink on twink, 10 v 10 was a blast. In fact it was a blast all the way until I quit twinking for 4-5 months. When I came back in late December, it was fun for a month until the bgs died down some.
Drayner, I really do appreciate the site and how it is held to a much higher standard than the ruin forums. But it really does sound like you allow yourself to be dragged down by drama queens and shitty luck in pug comps. The bracket is what we make of it, that's true, but there will always be unlucky/shitty situations in pugs, it's just the nature of random queueing. Personally I have taken the initiative to talk to some of those 600 hp rogues and see if they really are in making the bracket a permanent home and trying to help those players that do want to twink. A lot of people that casually twinked in the past are entering with 19s that are far from BiS or have outdated hear. They just need to be educated and encouraged.

I've been pugging since I came to ruin and yeah, there have been times when the games were just ridiculous. When that happens just take a break go outside and try again later. Sure I get pussed off when Druids use jumps that can only be done in travel form, but really you can't just chase around an FC anymore, setting traps is the name of the game now. I would love to see debuff happen a lot sooner as with the NG changes most Druids

don't get dropped till it hits but hey 1-0 is still a win. Just gonna take longer to get those last 220 flag caps till exalted.
Guess a tl;dr version would be the bracket is still plenty of fun but if you expect PuGs to be fair matches you will always be dissapointed and gone are the days when 2-3 twinks could carry their team to a victory.

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