Got a good 80?

Well I've got my rogue [char=mannoroth]ballzofier[/char], my WOTLK main. I think i'm halfway decent. Capped out a little below 1900 in arena :(. Been raiding uld, but I'm kinda burnt out of it atm.

then I've got my complete-shit-mage. [char=mannoroth]fóne[/char]Which was my main during TBC. (The link may not work. fóne on mannoroth is my mage).

My highest DK was level 65. I just can't stand playing em. main is in mostly Hardmode gear from Ulduar and 4/5 T8.5 He is a retadin and name is Medinore on Kargath/ <Titans of Azeroth> guild

I raid on him 4 times a week and use twinking as a relaxation rather than a kickass method of, 80 pvp is too bursty, not really a challenge in hitting someone with a HoJ and they go poof from a /castrandom macro...LOL

PS. Yes it is possible to pull 5k dps with a /castrandom macro :( Sad isn't it?

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