Got a good 80?

my 80 druid WAS amazing...but then ulduar came out and I really couldn't give a shit to play terrible emblem-grinding end game content anymore 72 rogue on the other hand >8}

hehe uld25 gloves. I'm in my 'pve' set. I have more of the savage saronite and hateful gloves. He's not an 80 twink :(
:p Just a plain-jane 80 amirite? What more do you need it for than BoA's? :p My main 80 is [char=Dragonmaw]Ogopogo[/char] who was amazingly well geared for naxx/sarth3d and shit, but I fell behind during Ulduar because raiding was just...bad. my 72 (wish for ever I hadn't leveled him out of 70) was my old main [char=Dragonmaw]Spooksters[/char] and I log on him whenever I want to remember good raiding...and gank terrible level 70-78 morons xD
Evocate said:
Too late now. blizz shut the thread down.

Actually I believe it got capped.
Spooksters said:
:p Just a plain-jane 80 amirite? What more do you need it for than BoA's? :p My main 80 is [char=Dragonmaw]Ogopogo[/char] who was amazingly well geared for naxx/sarth3d and shit, but I fell behind during Ulduar because raiding was just...bad. my 72 (wish for ever I hadn't leveled him out of 70) was my old main [char=Dragonmaw]Spooksters[/char] and I log on him whenever I want to remember good raiding...and gank terrible level 70-78 morons xD

yea i can pull 2k for heroics which is all i need for emblems/SKs

warglaive - you lucky sob :p
Exactly, 2k in heroics and people don't bitch and complain. My druid pulls like 4-5k...but i'm usually do damn bored/lazy to even be bothered. and yes, I am a lucky sob xD Warglaive is amazing, was second in line for it, the warrior got the main hand - then i got the main hand, then he got the offhand...but we never got a second offhand to drop.

also my DK:


i've pretty much lost interest in progression raiding already and only do arenas and the odd heroic, or maybe a naxx pug.
Previous guild leader of a ulduar level raiding guild until the mate i ran it with quit :3

Now member of best guild on the server :D (sometimes i turn up a little late because im waiting for a epic WSG to finish :D
My 80 is so bad he is only 77. 0_o

can't say i am very geared, i used to do heroics to gear myself up for raids, then i noticed how it was useless to even do the heroics, it was easier for a not geared guy to just run naxx to begin with. so i was depressed and decided not to go on with it. even when ulduar came out, it was just a waste of time, nobody even wanted me, telling me i wasn't even decently geared. people and their you gotta be fully geared to go into ulduar... but the fact is, if you are fully geared already, you dont need to go in there to begin with !

with TOC out and really giving the gears and badges... it is making me excited again !

do you actually believe that ToC gives off full epic even on normal 5 man ? just by doing all 4 version of ToC you can fully gear yourself. and its not like ToC was so hard ! and with the change to emblems now, you can even get tier 8 by just grinding the heroics ! its so much easier and so much more enjoyable now at 80 !

besides that one i have no other 80, leveling takes a toll out of me.

but i do have a shamn 78 who needs to get to 80 so i can switch him server and faction ! though i hate blue cow totems, they so much sucks.

in any case, thats what i am and am still proud of playing my dk, he rocks hard.

too bad i am on an over populated DK server. i actually think blizzard made a mistake by making him start at 55. DK populates at least 50% of the population of the servers now all by themselves !
Well what can I say I got 2 lvl 80's

The first is my mage [char=eu-Bloodhoof]Radak[/char] mostly Uld25geared. He is my real main and I became a officer in my current guild with him (started as classleader and am now raidleader and general officer in a 300-350 unique accounts counting Dutch guild).

And then I got a priest [char=eu-Bloodhoof]Alovnek[/char] who is my arena char and I also raid on him when we have a shortage on healers. He got deadly/furious gear and full naxx 25/uld10 gear. I still need to play more arena on him (don't actually play 3v3 and 5v5 but only 2v2) to get my furious weapon before the end of the season.

And I think I am one of the few ppl that has no DK :).
Trespasser said:
And I think I am one of the few ppl that has no DK :).

High five! I've made a couple DK's for farming/helping with runs and such for new twinks, but my highest one is 63 (was going to 66 for rumsey rum)

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