

Hello 19 twink community, my account was banned right after my recent hack

after almost 5 years of my life devoted to playing this game. I didnt post much on this site but i had over 300 posts on my acc healfull on pwndepot. I was banned for botting AV. The hack deleted my 80 druid Haize and made my pally looking undergeared. Over the years I have created... 80 druid, 80 pally, 70 shaman, 72 DK, 63 hunter, 61 mage, 60 rogue, 3 19 priests, 1 19 hunter, 1 19 warrior, 1 19 pally, 1 19 rogue, and 1 19 lock. I have spent over 20k gold on all of these said twinks. I was the 2nd BE twink on rampage, second to perf. I had 52k lifetime hks on my druid who is now deleted. He also contained titles such as Warlord, of the nightfall, twilight vanq and many more. He had netherdrake as well as nightfall drake that I rolled a 100 on and received a week before the ban. He had 3 very geared sets as well as my alt pally who had epic flyer. I had a massive 19 bank filled containing multiples of tbjs, darkweaves, tcjs, magefists, kellers, and meadow rings. In this bank contained a unbound shadowfang that I was never able to get to Jericho. I didnt intend to brag about my account in any way. Just share with the people the amount of time and effort lost. Over my toons i had over 300 days played accumlative with 175 on my druid alone.

I bid you farewell to the 19 community, this post was more deserved to be @ pwndepot but the cite has since shut down.
Ouch man...that really, REALLY sucks - I am sorry for you, not for you quitting - this game has taken so much from all of us, but I am really sorry for all the time you spent only the be crapped upon and lose it all. I am also sorry that someone of your commitment relied on a bot :\

But I wish you luck in the future - and hopefully you life is filled with as much success as you had in wow (except the ban ofc ^^)
I'm sorry to hear that. That must suck to see everything you have done in your WoW life dissapear in a matter of seconds. I hope you have a good life afterwards tho :)
Is there anyway you can convince them to compromise? just a thought or something to look into.

So sorry about your account, couldnt imagine it happening to me. :(
Good 2 see there doing somthing about you ________rs. People like you are the reason horde lose 90% of the time on ruin. Because half the team is bots wondering around the spawn with 0damage 0 kills 0 healing. I hope you killyourself
so im guessing that rematch isn't going to happen?
8 19 twinks, 20k gold, something looks wrong here.
Haha classic , a botter QQing because he got hacked and then Banned :D

If you legitimately got hacked and the hacker used a bot I apologise. If not ..... well use your imagination.
It wasnt hard spending 20k gold with Naxx, Leg Enchants and enchants like Boar's Speed when they first came out, was it?

Not sure why anybody is even debating this...
my first twinks were more than 1k each... shit was expensive back in the day, and it was only increasing until they cut all the mats down.

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