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What you gotta do is buy tons of playboys before leaving and sell them to the other kids for triple the amount you paid... have fun maken it rain!
Going away to a bullshit fucking camp for no reason funny thing is I don't have ADHD or a learning disorder bye I guess. Was fun my god :(

ADHD Adventure Summer Camp - AD/HD Summer Camp - Learning Disability (LD) Summer Camp: SOAR

HAHHAHAHAHA why wouldn't you lie about this if i were you i would've said that i was going fishing for the rest of the summer not that i am mentally handicapped

Website looks pretty professional too.

"What do you do during a lightening storm?
  • All SOAR staff receive extensive training on handling situations such as
    lightening storms in the field. If the group is near their van during a lightening storm, the group takes shelter in the vehicle until the storm has passed. If the group does not have
    access to their van, students take shelter in a safe area such as a low-lying
    stand of trees. They are also instructed to sit on insulated materials such as
    their sleeping pads or backpacks. Students only return to their activities once
    the storm has safely passed.
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Are your parents under the same impression as everyone else that you have no friends and for that, they feel the need to send you here?
Well, since you HAVE to go cause you don't wanna be a 14 yr old runaway, at least take something positive from the experience.

Maybe you'll have respect for your fellow retard.
Retard bitches are probably really easy if you show them what to do
You should go count the number of stretch marks on your fat rolls before posting here.

Sorry sweetheart, you don't get fatrolls from being 120 pounds. And I'm only kidding with you, take a joke.
Fun jacking off in the cabin alright. I bet no bitches will be there.

Don't be that kid! I knew a kid who did that once, then some kids hand got broken after he got run over by a golf cart, the police busted the camp, drugs everywhere, some chick was trying to sell cocaine. Long story short there was some weird game where the kid had to go on a date with a another person and there was a rush to humiliate the masturbaiter. It's a shame because she (a third girl) was pretty damn hot. It was also in a room with 6 other shirtless guys and an instructor who was telling creapingly detailed stories about his sexual conquests in germany to help them fall asleep. Long story short, I'm pretty sure someone got aids there.
Will see when you get back. Try to enjoy yourself.
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