Good time to get your Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight

The market is flooded with these things. Seems the drop rate has increased significantly. Some can be had for 20g. Currently like 10 on my AH for 50g.
It must have been increased somehow, my brother was questing abit earlier today on a horde toon of his, and within 5mins two of these dropped for him!
They have a 10 % drop rate on any mob in the barrens - don't even bother wasting 50 gold!!
I've sold about 3 of them 300g just before price drop, we have about 30 on the AH now, the cheapest going for 11g. Will I was questing on my banker I've got 3 of them in a single day.
same thing happened prior to BC and WotLK, players rerolling classes, coming back into the game, restarting to play wow again. deviate recipes on my server were 30-100G for about 2 months, then they dried up due to lack of levelers in the barrens, and until last patch were on avg 500-1000 on horde and 1200-2000 on alliance side

drop rate hasn't increased,'s the class combo rerolls and the shear number of players again in northern barrens is amazing. tons of troll druids/locks, tauren paladins/priests, etc etc. when i was leveling a rogue from 13 to 22+ in 2007, i got a recipe off harpies sold it for 150 gold, got a recipe off the theramoore guards doing ratchet quests (learned it), got a recipe off bristlebark mobs doing quests in southern barrens.

once cata rolls, prices will climb again as barrens levelers slow and barrens becomes a ghost town
Duckhunt said:
Get your facts straight kid.

The only thing that separates successful people from losers is the willingness to party

very, very hard.

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