EU Good News Everyone!


Good News Everyone - Argent Dawn Alliance

The Basics

We're currently seeking new Members with the interest of joining the Level 80 Bracket hosted with WotLK Geared PvP, PvE & Social Events. <Good News Everyone> our Level 70 and 60 Alliance counter-part guilds - <Set Back> (70) and <Deck Me Out> (60) will provide PvP and PvE events for there respected brackets.
( For those unaware; Trying to Que for a Battleground at Level 80 does work with some patience ).


With more need for recruitment we've began to set ourselves Raid challenges in the meantime, using different strategy's & reducing the number of certain Player roles depending on the Raid itself. As a Guild we also plan to continue this method of Raiding for future Events rather then "Zerg" our way through Raids quicker then Buzz Lightyear. Times change and we adapt to those changes, as we know ilvl at 80 greatly affects aspects of the level 80 bracket so we will be trying to set up Raid challenges and even develop these challenges further.


- Discord is required for Guild Raids and some Events. Mic isn't required.

- No X-Realm Raiders, Unless it's an Alt of a current Level 80 Member.

- Enchantments & Gems are allowed from all Expansions.

- Before creating Events please let an Officer know in advance.

- Respect one another

- Levelling beyond Level 80 to Level 81 is instant G-Kick.

- We do not accept Monks.

- -Only- Obtainable / Unobtainable Wrath of the Lich King Items will be used for Raid Events.
( Heirlooms were obtainable which is fine but I strongly advice against these during raids ).
( This includes Legion Invasion Gear or PvP Bonus Box Gear ).
( Naked Slots Otherwise ). PvP may vary.

- Preferably MS>OS - Main > Alt Loot Rules.

Legendary Item Rules


- People who plan on using Shadowmourne for the benefit of the guild with regular attendance & meet the specific Class requirements will have Prio. Depending if a member has already started or near completion of their Shadowmourne we will do our very best to complete these. The Shadowfrost Shards will be given to a single player until their Shadowmourne is complete rather then spreading the shards among multiple players.

Val'anyr, Hammer of the Ancient Kings

- Same applies from all of the above.

How to Contact us in Game

Guild Master

- Kîmma - Kimmah#2121

Guild Officers

- Barreh

- Malthael
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