Good news everyone(Futurama reference) I'm forever alone in dentarg and I've decided to join the AP horde community! Good news is that I'm rolling a hunter(Bad news) If you have any suggestions for other classes post below! I'll be waiting to see you guys!!!
In my opinion warlocks are the hidden gem of this bracket, they're usually underestimated but in the hands of a good player like Bizr they're amazing.
hmmmm Warlocks are usaully top dps in a battleground and as far as 1v1 dueling i've been able to beat everyclass except shamans well ive beaten bad shamans but the good ones will completely nerf a warlock. other classes that warlocks tend to have trouble with are ret pallys due to their burst and 6second stun >.<
but once you get used to timing your fears and Bane of Doom ticks then everything else is easymode
as affliction i've seen bane of doom ticks at 600 and with berserking i've hit numbers in the high 700range
most people will recomend destruction for the timed burst from conflag and soulburn-soulfire with bane of doom, however i prefer to tank and spank as affliction
some examples of warlock dps
lock damage vs 24s
Here the top two overall damage award goes to warlocks also note that there are 24s
alright hu. You cant beat good hunter, priest, shammy, paladin. You can only beat them some times with ALOT of luck.
although you always refuse to admit, Warlocks are one of the worst class in 1v1 (next to warriors)
Just because you beat some noob hunters, doesnt mean you can beat good hunters just admit it.
BUT warlocks are very fun and good indeed. If you have a healer, you own the world
Hmm i'll admit that i don't always win vs hunters however in duels i do beat holy pals most of the time and priests aswell >.>
then again thats my own personal experience >.>
also i'm not usually carried by healers since i mainly pug bgs.
and we all know alliance pugs = carried by hunters and prot pallies that don't know how to selfheal
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Also.. am I the only one who read the topic title in Professor Farnsworth's voice? o_o;