Good Lookers


Yeah we have our best stats items and combos but whats your opinions on how your twink looks ? ( or sombody elses ) do you like the way a certain item looks ? how your toon looks in general ? how items go with certain toons or do you have any items just for show ? comments! :rolleyes:

Pics and reasons would be great :)
I think mine looks pretty badass at the minute , turned display helmet off as goggles looked stupid imo. Blackened Defias armour looks the biz :). Also I have firery on Skeletal club as a tank weapon , looks awsome.
ooh nice thread idea :)

personally i love spidersilk boots, magefist gloves and scouting shoulders with a couple black coloured chest & legs (defias) along with a snazzy coloured tabard.

However i do also like Xposure's avatar. Im told that its wrong to mix browns and blues but it looks good on him :)

Witching Staff and Advisor's Gnarled Staff dont look too sweet tho, oh well.
I think 29 gnome rogues look pretty sexy. But, now that Im an orc, I just look like shit. lol@horde wsg tabard
Female UD rogue, Fishing hat, x2 shadowfangs, Bristlebark gloves, BDA, Feet of the Lynx, fang belt, Wranglers wristbands, rugged spaulders, scouting trousers.

Doesnt seem like much in the wow viewer, but in action its beautiful to watch and imo the best looking rogue set.
I'll edit it all out and write again ^^

I like the way my 19 rogue looks now, but he would look even better with feet of the lynx and bristlebark gloves. I don't like those tiny shoes and gloves!
fully twinked tauren FC druids with frost or arcane tabard and boas. Fatt looks BADASS along with Fc from stonemaul

also BE rogues such as hynnedor with tabard of the defender and 2 assassins

scourge's toon is up there too, that lock looks shmexy

to tell the truth i cant play a toon i dont like the look of
Green Tinted Goggles + Blackened Defias Armor + A black Tauren = hot
lol rogues w/ tabard of brilliance + full BoA leather set = sexy every time I'd link but i only have the tabard and the WG shoulders atm.
Here are a few pics of my warrior.





The BoAs really look silly to me. My favorite set lookwise will always be the old (and obsolete) Simple Black Dress. Anyone with a Simple Black Dress was a pro in my books.

(Danguis can suck it)
Kore nametooshort said:
However i do also like Xposure's avatar. Im told that its wrong to mix browns and blues but it looks good on him :)

Why thank you :) Also, I just used those brown shoulders on that pic, because the mail ones looks terribad. Oh, I'd also like to know what TCG tabard would look best on my Warrior (2 sec, gonna post a Picture of him)
i like [item]Tabard of the Defender[/item] on ya, xposure. I have to say I always go for stats even if its one armor. I dont have an SS but i liked the old gearset for rogues/hunters before leg armor was removed. tabard of flame looked nice too. Deviate scale belt looked meh but matched the hat a bit i guess.


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