Good Going Drayner, posting exploit on a front page!

Thanks to you my and any other bg is filled whit exploiters.... rep factions head enchants.... wotlk enchants.... warriorrs whit wound poisions..... rogues whit dk enchants....

thanks alot mate youve unleashed hell, and even tho there getting dissabled you still should have to use youre bloody brains before posting exploits for everyone to practice!

at least they're getting fixed the next patch.

there is a good and bad about revealing unknown and unintended features. the more people abuse them, the more it will grab blizzard's attention, but also the more battlegrounds will become clustered with exploiters.

anyways, don't misplace your anger on Drayner, he's not the one exploiting.
meh you can't shot the messenger. It is not like he was telling the world about something no one knew about. If anything posting about it only helps the people that might now have been aware of it report the people that are doing it. If the noobs that are using them need them to try and win let them. They will have their fun and we will laugh at them all day long.
Yes, I'm sure you're right. Drayner posted it on his site and every twink you're referring to reads this site. It had to be Drayner's fault right? (You might not be able to feel the sarcasm through the screen here, so I'm letting you know, theres a lot of it.)
You should probably get some of those snazzy enchants yourself or find a better battle group. Unless you got a time machine or some other way to go back in time that might let Drayner rewrite history.
for everyone

The whole point of his post was to make it available to everyone instead of a select few and since everyone has it -> more people report it -> it gets fixed quicker.

So instead of making new and exciting QQ posts about Dray, why not take the time to open tickets about the exploits and actually do something... productive?
I sure do. By the way, just because he posts it doesn't mean he supports it. By him posting, we realize it's an exploit and don't hop on the bandwagon. And it makes the people who do have it look that much dumber.
I don't get why you need to yell at Drayner for informing us on the exploits and noobs who might wear them?

He did us all a favor by posting that and giving us the heads up.
Treefugger said:
Thanks to you my and any other bg is filled whit exploiters.... rep factions head enchants.... wotlk enchants.... warriorrs whit wound poisions..... rogues whit dk enchants....

thanks alot mate youve unleashed hell, and even tho there getting dissabled you still should have to use youre bloody brains before posting exploits for everyone to practice!


i have been playing 1.5 years, most of what you are talking about has been going on since and prior to when i started playing. i'm glad all this is out on the forefront and Blizz is forced to deal with it. hopefully you make some time to report these exploits to Blizz yourself.
Hey guys. I am on the road. I can't add anything to this that hasn't been said in my defense. Thanks guys.

ps. Reading the Vegeance forums today, I found the QUOTE OF THE YEAR 2009. It was in a thread where some folks were QQing about the 3.1 changes. The quote was from someone that I used to enjoy playing with over there, Vegan. The quote: "if ur mad ur bad"
Treefugger said:
Thanks to you my and any other bg is filled whit exploiters.... rep factions head enchants.... wotlk enchants.... warriorrs whit wound poisions..... rogues whit dk enchants....

thanks alot mate youve unleashed hell, and even tho there getting dissabled you still should have to use youre bloody brains before posting exploits for everyone to practice!


All he did was make it so more people know how, and sooner. People would've figured it out eventually. Personally, I'm happy to know how, so if I see someone using DK enchants on me, for example, I'll go grab some myself so I'm not left in the dust.
OK. I don't got a problem with the leg exploits, but after you told people how to do it by getting durability to 0 people decided to try it with poisons and shaman weapons. thats whats making the BG's less fun is the crippling poison, and shaman weapons on all classes!
I will ALWAYS side with making every exploit, cheat, bug, glitch and unintended gear availability known and publicized.

I come to this site and trust them because they tell people it exists and how to do it.

Listen, we're not dealing with people running mod chips in their PC's. We're not talking about disabling security protocols to make Brutal Glad gear available to 39's. No one is running something like a pseudo Game Genie, Xploder or GameShark.

If it exists in the game, beta or otherwise, its up to us as a community to police low level PVP because frankly Blizzard doesn't care about it unless stuff like that makes them look like dunces. Which, BTW, they are.
Treefugger said:
Thanks to you my and any other bg is filled whit exploiters.... rep factions head enchants.... wotlk enchants.... warriorrs whit wound poisions..... rogues whit dk enchants....

thanks alot mate I used to be one of the only ones exploiting, now everyone is and I have to rely on skill to win.... now I lose all the time...


QQ more please.

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